Medical Surveillance - Biosafety

Medical Surveillance Biosafety

Medical screening and surveillance are an integral part of the University’s biosafety program.  In accordance with the Canadian Biosafety Standard, the biohazard medical surveillance module is designed to detect and prevent illnesses related to exposure of personnel to the biohazards used within their research, teaching and operational activities at the University of Guelph.        

Prior to handling biohazards under the Biosafety program, investigative staff must review the requirements associated with  Agreement on Biosafety form issued as part of the University’s internal permitting process.  Personnel meeting prescribed criteria will be required to self-identify to Occupational Health & Wellness (OHW) and participate in a medical assessment. 

For further information and a comprehensive outline of the program please refer to the Medical Surveillance-Biohazard module.   Occupational Health & Wellness can also be contacted at x52647 or  email to OHW

Biosafety Module

Last reviewed: February 2024