Medical Surveillance - Respiratory Protection Program

Medical Surveillance - Respiratory Protection Program

Respiratory protective equipment is required when workers perform tasks in atmospheres that are:

1) Oxygen deficient, or

2) Contain airborne chemical or biological contaminants above occupational exposure limits or at levels considered to be hazardous.

The Respiratory Protection Program is designed to help reduce exposure to these respiratory hazards. For situations where substitution or the use of engineering controls are not feasible respirators shall be used for protection from respiratory hazards.

Prior to fit testing and respirator use, it will be determined if the worker is free from any physiological or psychological conditions that may prevent use of the selected respirator. This will be achieved using the Respirator User Screening Questionnaire. Upon completion of the Respirator User Screening Questionnaire, if a physiological or psychological condition is identified by the user which may preclude the use of a respirator, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety will refer the worker to Occupational Health and Wellness for medical evaluation.

Upon completion of the medical evaluation, Occupational Health and Wellness will notify the supervisor, employee and Environmental Health and Safety of the employee’s fitness to wear a respirator.

Fit testing or any medical assessments that are outsourced from the University will be covered by the employee’s department.

For further information and a comprehensive outline of the program please refer to the Respiratory Protection Program. For any questions OHW can also be contacted by phone at 519-824-4120 ext. 52647 or email to OHW

Last reviewed: February 2024