SETS Course Outlines | College of Arts

SETS Course Outlines

Term: Winter 2024
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2024 CRWR*1000 Elements of Storytelling 01 Carrianne Leung
Winter 2024 CRWR*2000 Reading as a Writer 01 TBA
Winter 2024 CRWR*2100 Fiction Workshop: Anthropocene 01 Carrianne Leung
Winter 2024 CRWR*2200 Creative Nonfiction: Nature 01 Catherine Bush
Winter 2024 CRWR*3100 Fiction Writing Workshop 01 Catherine Bush
Winter 2024 CRWR*3200 Creative Nonfiction Writing 01 Stephen Henighan
Winter 2024 CRWR*3400 Screenwriting Inclusive Screen 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2024 CRWR*3500 Writing for Inclusive Stage 01 TBA
Winter 2024 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing 01 TBA
Winter 2024 ENGL*1080 Foundations in Critical Reading 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2024 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World 01 TBA
Winter 2024 ENGL*1500 Medicine & Literature 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2024 ENGL*2080 Foundations in Lit Scholarship 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2024 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2024 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2024 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change: “Women’s Speculative Worlds” 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2024 ENGL*2280 Sporting Bodies 01 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2024 ENGL*2360 Medieval Literature 01 Aylin Malcolm
Winter 2024 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2024 ENGL*3200 The Fairy Tale 01 TBA
Winter 2024 ENGL*3220 18th & 19th C British Lit 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2024 ENGL*3540 Forging the U.S. Nation 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2024 ENGL*3870 Literary and Cultural Studies 01 Aylin Malcolm
Winter 2024 ENGL*3940 Genre in Cultural Context: “Raced & Erased Voices in the 19th-century Periodical" 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2024 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2024 ENGL*4090 Special Topic Digital Lit Studies 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2024 ENGL*4250 18th- & 19th-C Literatures 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2024 ENGL*4410 Modern & Contemporary Lit 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2024 ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Studies 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2024 ENGL*6811 Special Topics in English 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2024 THST*1190 Theatre Workshop I 01 TBA
Winter 2024 THST*2050 Devising 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2024 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2024 THST*2450 Approaches to Media Studies 01 Mark Lipton
Winter 2024 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Mark Lipton
Winter 2024 THST*3500 Performance Theory & Practice I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2024 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2024 THST*6210 Devising 01 Kimberley McLeod
Term: Fall 2024
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2024 CRWR*2400 Screenwriting Workshop 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2024 CRWR*3200 Creative Writing Nonfiction Workshop 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2024 CRWR*4100 Capstone Fiction Writing Workshop 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2024 CRWR*6000 Plenary, Writers on Writing 01 Canisia Lubrin
Fall 2024 ENGL*1080 Foundations in Critical Reading and Writing 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2024 ENGL*2090 Studies in Shakespeare 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2024 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 01 Aylin Malcolm
Fall 2024 ENGL*2310 Literature and the Supernatural 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2024 ENGL*2380 Reading Poetry 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2024 ENGL*3200 The Fairy Tale 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2024 ENGL*3340 British Imperial Culture 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2024 ENGL*4240 British Imperial Culture 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2024 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English: Fairy Tales and Children’s Culture 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2024 ENGL*6412 Topics in Medieval/Renaissance Literature 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2024 THST*2120 Writing for Performance 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2024 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2024 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop 3 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2024 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop 4 01 Judith Thompson
Term: Winter 2023
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2023 CRWR*2000 Reading as a Writer 01
Winter 2023 CRWR*3100 Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*1080 Foundations in Critical Reading and Writing 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*1500 Medicine and Literature 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*2120 Critical Practice 02
Winter 2023 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 02
Winter 2023 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature (DE Version) DE
Winter 2023 ENGL*2880 Women in Literature 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*3070 Intermediate Screenwriting Workshop 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*3240 Studies in Early Modern Literature and Culture 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*3550 Modern United States Literature 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*4090 Digital and Gaming Narratives 01
Winter 2023 ENGL*6431 Topics in 19th Century literature: Victorian Literature Ecologies 01
Winter 2023 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01
Winter 2023 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01
Winter 2023 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01
Winter 2023 THST*3410 Performance and the Past 01
Winter 2023 THST*3500 Praxis 1 01
Winter 2023 THST*4280 Ensemble 01
Winter 2023 THST*4290 Research Seminar II 01
Winter 2023 THST*6210 Devising 01
Winter 2023 THST*6250 Bodies & Space in Performance 01
Term: Fall 2023
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2023 CRWR*1000 Elements of Storytelling 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*2000 Reading as a Writer 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*2150 Speculative Fiction 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*2300 Poetry Workshop 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*2400 Screenwriting Workshop 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*3100 Fiction Writing Workshop 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*3200 Creative Writing Nonfiction Workshop 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*4100 Capstone Fiction Writing Workshop 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*6010 Plenary, Writers In The World 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*6220 Writing the Decolonial-Fiction 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*6300 Playwrighting Seminar 01
Fall 2023 CRWR*6600 Special Topics in Creative Writing Workshop 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing DE
Fall 2023 ENGL*1080 Foundations in Critical Reading & Writing 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2080 Finding a Critical Voice 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2260 Law and Literature 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2310 Vampires, Ghosts, and Mummies: Literature and the Supernatural 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*2380 Reading Poetry 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*3320 Romanticism to Victorianism: Writing British Environments 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*3680 20th- & 21st-Century Canadian Literature and Criticism 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre and Value 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*3940 Genre in Cultural Context 02
Fall 2023 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 02
Fall 2023 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*4240 Medieval & Early Modern Literature 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*4280 Canadian Literatures 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*6201 Topics in Canadian Literature 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*6209 Colonial/Postcolonial Diasporic Literature 01
Fall 2023 ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Studies 01
Fall 2023 THST*1040 Introduction of Performance 01
Fall 2023 THST*1200 The Language of Media DE
Fall 2023 THST*2120 Writing and Performance 01
Fall 2023 THST*2270 Theatre Research II 01
Fall 2023 THST*3140 Performance and the Past 01
Fall 2023 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 01
Fall 2023 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop IV 01
Fall 2023 THST*4270 Research Seminar II 01
Fall 2023 THST*6150 Theatre Historiography 01
Fall 2023 THST*6220 Theatre Theory 01
Term: Winter 2022
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2022 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing 01 Paul W. Salmon
Winter 2022 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English 1: Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2022 ENGL*2080 Finding a Critical Voice 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2022 ENGL*2120 Learning To Read Critically: Interpreting the Short Story, the Novella, and the Story Sequence in Diverse Cr 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2022 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 02 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2022 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2022 ENGL*2280 Sporting Bodies 01 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2022 ENGL*3070 Intermediate Screenwriting Workshop 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2022 ENGL*3240 Studies in Early Modern Literature and Culture 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2022 ENGL*3540 Writing the United States 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2022 ENGL*3750 Postcolonial Literatures: Indigenous Oceania 01 Dr. Michelle Elleray
Winter 2022 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre & Literary Value: Autobiography, Ficticity, Allegory 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2022 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre & Literary Value: Pop Culture Journalism 02 Paul W. Salmon
Winter 2022 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 02 Dr. Gregor Campbell
Winter 2022 ENGL*4270 United States Literatures 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2022 ENGL*4310 Special Topics in English: Shakespeare Today 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2022 ENGL*6201 Seminar: Canadian Literature 01 Paul Barrett
Winter 2022 ENGL*6201 Seminar: Canadian Literature - Humanism in Canada 01 Paul Barrett
Winter 2022 ENGL*6431 Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2022 ENGL*6431 Topics in Nineteenth Century Literature 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2022 ENGL*6811 Special Topics: Cli-fi & Ecocriticism 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2022 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2022 THST*1190 Theatre Workshop I 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2022 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2022 THST*2050 Devising 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2022 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2022 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Paul W. Salmon
Winter 2022 THST*3140 Performance and the Past 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2022 THST*3140 Performance and the Past 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2022 THST*3170 Special Topics 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2022 THST*3500 Praxis 1 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2022 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2022 THST*4290 Research Seminar II 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2022 THST*4500 Performance Praxis II 01 Kimberley McLeod
Winter 2022 THST*6210 Devising 01 Kimberley McLeod
Winter 2022 THST*6320 Performance and Difference 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Term: Fall 2022
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2022 CRWR*3200 Creative Writing Non-Fiction Workshop - Preliminary Outline 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2022 CRWR*6600 Plenary: Writers on Writing - Preliminary Outline 01 Canisia Lubrin
Fall 2022 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing- Preliminary Outline 01 Paul Salmon
Fall 2022 ENGL*1080 Foundations in Critical Reading & Writing - Preliminary Outline 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2022 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice - Preliminary outline 01 Sandra Singer
Fall 2022 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices - Preliminary outline 02 Sandra Singer
Fall 2022 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures, Film and other media - Preliminary Outline 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2022 ENGL*2260 Law and Literature - Preliminary outline 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2022 ENGL*3200 The Fairy Tale - Preliminary Outline 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2022 ENGL*3340 British Imperial Culture - Preliminary Outline 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2022 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre, and Literary Value - Preliminary outline 02 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2022 ENGL*4270 United States Literatures - Preliminary outline 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2022 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English - Preliminary outline 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2022 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose - Preliminary outline 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2022 ENGL*4880 20th and 21st Century Poetry - Preliminary Outline 01 Danny O'Quinn
Fall 2022 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance - Preliminary outline 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2022 THST*1200 Languages of Media - Preliminary Outline DE Mark Lipton
Fall 2022 THST*2120 Writing for Performance - Preliminary outline 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2022 THST*2270 Theatre Research II - Preliminary outline 01 Peter Kuling
Fall 2022 THST*3170 Acting Text - Preliminary outline 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2022 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III - Preliminary outline 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2022 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III - Preliminary outline 02 Troy Hourie
Fall 2022 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop IV - Preliminary outline 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2022 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop IV - Preliminary outline 02 Troy Hourie
Fall 2022 THST*4270 Research Seminar - Preliminary outline 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2022 THST*4500 Performance Praxis II - Preliminary outline 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2022 THST*6150 Theatre Historiography - Preliminary Outline 01 Danny O'Quinn
Fall 2022 THST*6220 Theatre Theory - Preliminary outline 01 Peter Kuling
Term: Fall 2021
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2021 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing 01 Dr. Paul W. Salmon
Fall 2021 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Dr. Michelle Elleray
Fall 2021 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English: Reading the Past 02 Dr. Gregor Campbell
Fall 2021 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World DE Dr. Gregor Campbell
Fall 2021 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Dr. Sandra Singer
Fall 2021 ENGL*2120 Critical Practice 01 Dr. Julie Cairnie
Fall 2021 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 02 Dr. Sandra Singer
Fall 2021 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01 Dr. Paul W. Salmon
Fall 2021 ENGL*2260 Law and Literature 01 Dr. Mark Fortier
Fall 2021 ENGL*2740 Children’s Literature (Distance Education) DE Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2021 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 01 Dr. Sky Gilbert
Fall 2021 ENGL*3030 Intermediate Creative Non-Fiction Workshop 01 Dr. Lawrence Hill
Fall 2021 ENGL*3220 Representing Britain: 18th and 19th Century Literature 01 Dr. Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2021 ENGL*3680 20th- & 21st-Century Canadian Literature and Criticism 01 Dr. Peter Kuling
Fall 2021 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value: Autobiography, Ficticity, Allegory (Section 1) 01 Dr. J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2021 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value: Autobiography, Ficticity, Allegory (Section 2) 01 Dr. J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2021 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 01 Dr. Elaine Chang
Fall 2021 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 01 Dr. Jade Ferguson
Fall 2021 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English: Folk Narrative 01 Dr. Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2021 ENGL*4400 Postcolonial Literatures and Theory 01 Dr. Elaine Chang
Fall 2021 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose 01 Dr. Lawrence Hill
Fall 2021 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Dr. Sky Gilbert
Fall 2021 THST*1200 Languages of Media DE Mark Lipton
Fall 2021 THST*2120 Writing for Performance 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2021 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 01 Troy Hourie
Fall 2021 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop IV 01 Troy Hourie
Term: Winter 2021
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2021 CTS*2000 Scripting for the Humanities 01 Paul Barrett
Winter 2021 ENGL*1080 Reading the Past 01 Don Moore
Winter 2021 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World DE Gregor Campbell
Winter 2021 ENGL*1500 Medicine and Literature 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2021 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Leslie Allin
Winter 2021 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2021 ENGL*2120 Learning To Read and To Write Critically: Interpreting the Short Story and the Novella in Four Key Theoretical Contexts 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2021 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2021 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 02 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2021 ENGL*2260 Law and Literature 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2021 ENGL*2740*DE Children's Literature DE Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2021 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 01 Aaron Tang
Winter 2021 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 02 Shyam Selvadurai
Winter 2021 ENGL*3050 Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop 01 Dionne Brand
Winter 2021 ENGL*3070 Intermediate Screenwriting Workshop 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2021 ENGL*3240 Studies in Early Modern Literature and Culture 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2021 ENGL*3540 Writing the United States 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2021 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre, and Literary Value: Autobiography and Ficticity and Allegory 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2021 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value (Sec 02) 02 Paul Salmon
Winter 2021 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 02 Elaine Chang
Winter 2021 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History Topic: Identity and Canadian Theatre Playmaking Histories 01 Taylor Graham
Winter 2021 ENGL*4240 Medieval & Early Modern Literatures 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2021 ENGL*4250 18th- & 19th-century Literatures 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2021 ENGL*4270 United State Literatures: Black Lives Matter 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2021 ENGL*4720 The Essay: Reading Others, Writing Ourselves, a Seminar in Two Registers 01 Robert Enright
Winter 2021 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2021 THST*1190 Theatre Workshop I 01 Shaun McComb
Winter 2021 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2021 THST*2050 Devising 01 Tony Berto
Winter 2021 THST*2270 Theatre Research II 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2021 THST*2450 Approaches to Media 01 Mark Lipton
Winter 2021 THST*3140 Performance and the Past 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2021 THST*3170 Special Topics: Theatre and Video Games 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2021 THST*3500 Praxis I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2021 THST*3600 THST Directed Reading 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2021 THST*3600 THST Directed Reading 02 Peter Kuling
Winter 2021 THST*3630 Writing a Solo Play for Performance 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2021 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2021 THST*6250 Bodies & Space in Performance 01 Mark Lipton
Winter 2021 THST*6500 Devising 01 Judith Thompson
Term: Fall 2020
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2020 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing 01 Paul Salmon
Fall 2020 ENGL*1080 Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2020 ENGL*1080 Reading the Past 02 Paul Salmon
Fall 2020 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2020 ENGL*2080 Finding a Critical Voice 01 Leslie Allin
Fall 2020 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 01 Sandra Singer
Fall 2020 ENGL*2120 Critical Practices 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2020 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 01 Paul Barrett
Fall 2020 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures, Film, and other media 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2020 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2020 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2020 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 02 Elaine Chang
Fall 2020 ENGL*3050 Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2020 ENGL*3060 Intermediate Poetry Writing 01 Diana Manole
Fall 2020 ENGL*3300 Restoration to Romanticism 01 Leslie Allin
Fall 2020 ENGL*3340 British Imperial Culture 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2020 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre, and Literary Value 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2020 ENGL*3940 Form, Genre, and Literary Value 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2020 ENGL*3960 Literature and History 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2020 ENGL*4250 18th and 19th Century Literatures 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2020 ENGL*4420 Women's Writings 01 Christine Bold
Fall 2020 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Poetry 01 Diana Manole
Fall 2020 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose/Poetry Workshop 02 S. Selvaduri
Fall 2020 ENGL*6611 Women Writing in Native Space 01 C. Bold
Fall 2020 ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Studies 01 Jade Ferguson
Fall 2020 ENGL*6811 Special Topics in English 01 S. Singer
Fall 2020 IMPR*6010 Core Concepts in Critical Studies in Improvisation 01 D. Fischlin
Fall 2020 IMPR*6020 Arts Based Community Making 01 A. Heble
Fall 2020 IMPR*6030 Foundational Research Methods in Critical Studies in Improvisation 01 J. Harley
Fall 2020 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2020 THST*1200 Languages of Media 01 Mark Lipton
Fall 2020 THST*2120 Writing for Performance 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2020 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01 Troy Hourie/Peter Kuling
Fall 2020 THST*3170 Special Topics 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2020 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2020 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 02 Troy Hourie/Peter Kuling
Fall 2020 THST*4190 Theatre Workshop IV 01 Troy Hourie/Peter Kuling
Fall 2020 THST*4270 Research Seminar I 01 Troy Hourie
Fall 2020 THST*6150 Theatre Historiography 01 P. Kuling
Fall 2020 THST*6200 Theatre Theory 01 Ann Wilson
Term: Winter 2020
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2020 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2020 ENGL*1500 Medicine and Literature 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2020 ENGL*2090 Studies in Shakespeare 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2020 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Jade Ferguson
Winter 2020 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 J.R.(Tim) Struthers
Winter 2020 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 02 Ajay Heble
Winter 2020 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 01 Leila Qashu
Winter 2020 ENGL*2550 North American Native Literatures 01 Paul Barrett
Winter 2020 ENGL*3870 Literary and Cultural Studies 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2020 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2020 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 02 Paul Salmon
Winter 2020 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 02 Sandra Singer
Winter 2020 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 01 J.R.(Tim) Struthers
Winter 2020 ENGL*4250 18th & 19th-C Literatures 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2020 ENGL*4270 United States Literatures 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2020 ENGL*4280 Canadian Literatures 01 Paul Barrett
Winter 2020 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2020 ENGL*4420 Women's Writings 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2020 ENGL*6421 Topics in Eighteenth Century and Romantic Literature 01 Danny O'Quinn
Winter 2020 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Peter Kuling
Winter 2020 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2020 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2020 THST*3140 Performance and the Past 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2020 THST*3500 Performance Praxis I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2020 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Peter Kuling
Term: Fall 2019
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2019 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 02 Danny O'Quinn
Fall 2019 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2019 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Paul Salmon
Fall 2019 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2019 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Sandra Singer
Fall 2019 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2019 ENGL*2130 Literature and Social Change 02 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2019 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2019 ENGL*2310 Vampires, Ghosts, and Mummies: Literature and the Supernatural 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2019 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2019 ENGL*3090 Special Topics in Creative Writing Workshop 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2019 ENGL*3090 Writing Autobiography and Creative Essays 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2019 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 01 Paul Salmon
Fall 2019 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2019 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2019 ENGL*3960 Literature in History 03 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2019 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 02 Danny O'Quinn
Fall 2019 ENGL*4240 Medieval and Early Modern Literatures 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2019 ENGL*4400 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2019 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose/Poetry 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2019 ENGL*4720 Writing Fiction 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2019 ENGL*6412 Medieval/Renaissance Literature 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2019 ENGL*6431 19th Century Literature: Victorian Literature and Eco Criticism 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2019 ENGL*6811 Terrorism in Western Fiction and Film 01 Sandra Singer
Fall 2019 IMPR*6010 Core Concepts in Critical Studies in Improvisation I 01 Daniel Fischlin
Fall 2019 IMPR*6040 Summer Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation 01 Frederique Arroyas
Fall 2019 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Kim McLeod
Fall 2019 THST*2120 Writing for Performance 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2019 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01 Troy Hourie
Fall 2019 THST*3170 Special Topics 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2019 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 01 Kim McLeod
Fall 2019 THST*3630 Special Studies in Studio Practice 02 Troy Hourie
Fall 2019 THST*3630 Special Studies in Studio Practice 01 Judith Thompson
Fall 2019 THST*4270 Research Seminar I 01 Mark Fortier
Term: Winter 2019
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2019 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2019 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World DE Stephen Powell
Winter 2019 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2019 ENGL*2090 Studies in Shakespeare 01 Mark Fortier
Winter 2019 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Ajay Heble
Winter 2019 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2019 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 03 Jade Ferguson
Winter 2019 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 01 TBD
Winter 2019 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2019 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 03 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2019 ENGL*3070 Intermediate Screenwriting Workshop 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2019 ENGL*3080 History of the English Language 01 Stephen Powell
Winter 2019 ENGL*3870 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies DE Elaine Chang
Winter 2019 ENGL*3880 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2019 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 02 Sandra Singer
Winter 2019 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 01 TBD
Winter 2019 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 02 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2019 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 03 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2019 ENGL*4250 18th- & 19th-C Literatures 01 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2019 ENGL*4280 Canadian Literatures 01 Jade Ferguson
Winter 2019 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2019 ENGL*4890 Contemporary Literary Theory 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2019 ENGL*6451 Environmental and Indigenous Literatures and Law 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2019 ENGL*6611 Topics in Women’s Writing 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2019 ENGL*6691 Latinx Literature: Race, Collective Memory, and the Archive 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2019 ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Studies: Digital Humanities, Feminisms, and Diversity 02 Susan Brown
Winter 2019 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2019 THST*2270 Theatre Research II 01 Kim McLeod
Winter 2019 THST*3000 Experiential Learning 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2019 THST*3500 Performance Praxis I 01 Judith Thompson
Winter 2019 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2019 THST*4290 Research Seminar II 01 Troy Hourie
Winter 2019 THST*4500 Performance Praxis II 01 Kim McLeod
Winter 2019 THST*6210 Devising 01 Judith Thompson
Term: Fall 2018
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2018 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2018 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 02 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2018 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 03 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Fall 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Jade Ferguson
Fall 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2018 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 02 Martha Nandorfy
Fall 2018 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature and Social Change 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2018 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2018 ENGL*2260 Law and Literature 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2018 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2018 ENGL*2920 Elements of Creative Writing 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2018 ENGL*3090 Special Topics in Creative Writing Workshop 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2018 ENGL*3300 Restoration to Romanticism 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2018 ENGL*3340 British Imperial Culture 01 Michelle Elleray
Fall 2018 ENGL*3570 Chaucer in Context 01 Stephen Powell
Fall 2018 ENGL*3870 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies 01 Martha Nandorfy
Fall 2018 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 02 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2018 ENGL*4240 Medieval & Early Modern Literatures 01 Stephen Powell
Fall 2018 ENGL*4410 Modern & Contemporary Literatures 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2018 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose/Poetry 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2018 ENGL*6209 Colonial/Postcolonial Diasporic Literature 01 J. Cairnie
Fall 2018 ENGL*6811 Special Topics in English: Popular Culture Theories and Methods 01 J. Schacker
Fall 2018 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2018 THST*2050 Devising 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2018 THST*4270 Research Seminar I 01 Mark Fortier
Term: Winter 2018
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2018 ENGL*1080 Literatures in English 1: Reading the Past 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Ajay Heble
Winter 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 03 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2018 ENGL*2120 Seminar: Critical Practices 02 Julie Carnie
Winter 2018 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature & Social Change 02 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2018 ENGL*2130 Seminar: Literature & Social Change 03 Christine Bold
Winter 2018 ENGL*2550 North American Native Literatures 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2018 ENGL*3070 Intermediate Screenwriting 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2018 ENGL*3280 Old English Literature 01 Stephen Powell
Winter 2018 ENGL*3560 Medieval Literature 01 Stephen Powell
Winter 2018 ENGL*3750 Postcolonial Literature and Theory 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2018 ENGL*3880 Literary and Cultural Studies: Toy/Story 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2018 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2018 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value “The Sensation Novel” 02 Michelle Elleray
Winter 2018 ENGL*3940 Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value 03 Sandra Singer
Winter 2018 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2018 ENGL*3960 Seminar: Literature in History 02 Julie Cairnie
Winter 2018 ENGL*4320 Special Studies in English 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2018 ENGL*4410 Modern & Contemporary Literatures 01 Sandra Singer
Winter 2018 ENGL*4500 Non-Fiction Prose 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2018 ENGL*6412 Topics in Medieval/Renaissance Literature 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2018 ENGL*6811 Special Topics in English 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2018 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Kimberley McLeod
Winter 2018 THST*1270 Theatre Research I 01 Pat Flood
Winter 2018 THST*2270 Theatre Research II 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2018 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2018 THST*3500 Performance Praxis I 01 Pat Flood
Winter 2018 THST*4280 Ensemble Project 01 Ann Wilson
Winter 2018 THST*4500 Performance Praxis II 01 Kimberley McLeod
Winter 2018 THST*6210 Devising 01 Kimberley McLeod
Term: Summer 2018
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2018 ENGL*1030*DE ENGL*1030*DE01 Effective Writing 01 Don Moore
Summer 2018 ENGL*4810 ENGL*4810*01 Directed Reading 01 TBA
Summer 2018 ENGL*4910 ENGL*4910*01 Honours English Essay 01 TBA
Summer 2018 ENGL*6801 ENGL*6801*01 Reading Course I 01 TBA
Summer 2018 ENGL*6802 ENGL*6802*01 Reading Course II 01 TBA
Summer 2018 ENGL*6803 ENGL*6803*01 Research Project 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*2500*DE THST*2500*DE01 Contemporary Cinema 01 S. Duschene
Summer 2018 THST*3260 THST*3260*01 Shakespeare: Text & Performance 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*3340 THST*3340*01 Voice & Text in Performance 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*3600 THST*3600*01 Directed Readings 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*6280 THST*6280*01 Independent Reading Course 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*6500 THST*6500*01 Research Paper 01 TBA
Summer 2018 THST*6801 THST*6801*01 Reading Course I 01 TBA
Term: Summer 2017
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2017 ENGL*1200 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Summer 2017 ENGL*4280 ENGL*4280 Seminar: Canadian Literature 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Summer 2017 ENGL*6201 ENGL*6201 Topics in Canadian Literature 01 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Term: Fall 2017
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2017 ENGL*1030 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing 01 Don Moore
Fall 2017 ENGL*1080*01 ENGL*1080*01 Reading the Past 01 Sandra Singer
Fall 2017 ENGL*1080*02 ENGL*1080*02 Reading the Past 02 Paul Salmon
Fall 2017 ENGL*1200 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World 01 Scott Duschene
Fall 2017 ENGL*2080 ENGL*2080 Finding a Critical Voice 01 Stephen Powell
Fall 2017 ENGL*2120*01 ENGL*2120*01 Seminar: Critical Practices 01 Jade Ferguson
Fall 2017 ENGL*2120-02 ENGL*2120-02 Critical Practices 02 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2017 ENGL*2130-01 ENGL*2130-01 Literature and Social Change 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2017 ENGL*2130-02 ENGL*2130-02 Literature and Social Change 02 Sandra Singer
Fall 2017 ENGL*2200 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2017 ENGL*2740 ENGL*2740 Children's Literature 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2017 ENGL*2920*01 ENGL*2920*01 Elements of Creative Writing 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2017 ENGL*2920*02 ENGL*2920*02 Elements of Creative Writing 02 Shyam Selvadurai
Fall 2017 ENGL*3060 ENGL*3060 Poetry Workshop 01 Dionne Brand
Fall 2017 ENGL*3080 ENGL*3080 History of the English Language 01 Stephen Powell
Fall 2017 ENGL*3090 ENGL*3090 Special Topics in Creative Writing 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2017 ENGL*3120 ENGL*3120 Shakespearean Receptions 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2017 ENGL*3320 ENGL*3320*01 Romanticism to Victorianism 01 Leslie Allin
Fall 2017 ENGL*3860 ENGL*3860 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies: Close and Distant Reading with Machines 01 Susan Brown
Fall 2017 ENGL*3940-01 ENGL*3940-01 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2017 ENGL*3940-02 ENGL*3940-02 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 02 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2017 ENGL*3940-03 ENGL*3940-03 Seminar: Form, Genre and Literary Value 03 Paul Salmon
Fall 2017 ENGL*3960 ENGL*3960*02 Literature in History 02 Jade Ferguson
Fall 2017 ENGL*3960-01 ENGL*3960-01 Literature in History 01 Don Moore
Fall 2017 ENGL*4250 ENGL*4250 18th and 19th Century Literature 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Fall 2017 ENGL*4270 ENGL*4270 United States Literatures 01 Gregor Campbell
Fall 2017 ENGL*4310 ENGL*4310 Special Studies in English 01 Jennifer Schacker
Fall 2017 ENGL*4400 ENGL*4400 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2017 ENGL*4720 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing Prose 01 Lawrence Hill
Fall 2017 ENGL*4890 ENGL*4890 Contemporary Literary Theory 01 Elaine Chang
Fall 2017 ENGL*6209 ENGL*6209 Colonial/Postcolonial Diasporic Literature 01 Julie Cairnie
Fall 2017 ENGL*6811 ENGL*6811 Special Studies in English 01 Pablo Ramirez
Fall 2017 THST*1040 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance 01 Kimberley McLeod
Fall 2017 THST*1200 THST*1200 The Language of Media 01 Mark Lipton
Fall 2017 THST*2120 THST*2120-02 Writing for Performance 02 Judith Thompson
Fall 2017 THST*2120 THST*2120-01 Writing for Performance 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2017 THST*2190 THST*2190 Theatre Workshop II 01 Pat Flood
Fall 2017 THST*3170 THST*3170 Special Topics 01 Pat Flood
Fall 2017 THST*3190 THST*3190 Theatre Workshop III 01 Alan Filewod
Fall 2017 THST*4240 THST*4240 Theatrical Organization & Culture 01 Tony Berto
Fall 2017 THST*4270 THST*4270 Research Seminar I 01 Sky Gilbert
Fall 2017 THST*4500 THST*4500 Performance Paxis II 01 Pat Flood
Fall 2017 THST*6150 THST*6150 Theatre Historiography 01 Alan Filewod
Fall 2017 THST*6220 THST*6220 Theatre Theory 01 Mark Fortier
Fall 2017 THST*6230 THST*6230 Performance and Difference 01 Ann Wilson
Term: Winter 2017
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2017 ENGL*1080 ENGL*1080(01) Literatures in English I: Reading the Past 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2017 ENGL*1200 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World 01 Ajay Heble
Winter 2017 ENGL*2080 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2017 ENGL*2120 ENGL*2120 (02) Seminar: Critical Practices 02 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2017 ENGL*2120 ENGL*2120 (02) Critical Practices 01 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2017 ENGL*2130 ENGL*2130 (01) Seminar: Literature and Social Change 01 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2017 ENGL*2130 ENGL*2130 (02) Seminar: Literature and Social Change Topic for Sec. 02: “The Changing World of Alice Munro” 02 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2017 ENGL*2230 ENGL*2230 Popular Genres: The Fairy Tale 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2017 ENGL*2550 ENGL*2550 North American Native Literatures 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2017 ENGL*2940 ENGL*2940 Creative Writing—Poetry 01 Dionne Brand
Winter 2017 ENGL*3170 ENGL*3170 Elizabethan Literary Culture: Chastity and Power 01 Daniel Fischlin
Winter 2017 ENGL*3550 ENGL*3550 Modern United States Literatures 01 Christine Bold
Winter 2017 ENGL*3940 ENGL*3940 (01) Form, Genre & Literary Value 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2017 ENGL*3940 ENGL*3940 (02) Seminar: Form, Genre, & Literary Value 02 Pablo Ramirez
Winter 2017 ENGL*3940 ENGL*3940 (03) Seminar: Form, Genre, & Literary Value 03 J.R. (Tim) Struthers
Winter 2017 ENGL*3960 ENGL*3960 (01) Seminar: Literature in History 01 Daniel O'Quinn
Winter 2017 ENGL*3960 ENGL*3960 (02) Seminar: Literature in History 02 Gregor Campbell
Winter 2017 ENGL*4400 ENGL*4400 Postcolonial Literatures 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2017 ENGL*4420 ENGL*4420 Women’s Writings 01 Christine Bold
Winter 2017 ENGL*6451 ENGL*6451 Topics in American Literature 01 Martha Nandorfy
Winter 2017 ENGL*6691 ENGL*6691 Interdisciplinary Studies 01 Susan Brown
Winter 2017 ENGL*6811 ENGL*6811 Special Studies in English 01 Elaine Chang
Winter 2017 THST*2120 THST*2120 Dramaturgy and Playwriting 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2017 THST*2240 THST*2240 Introduction to Design 01 Pat Flood
Winter 2017 THST*2500 THST*2500 Contemporary Cinema 01 Paul Salmon
Winter 2017 THST*3220 THST*3220/3230 Technical Production I and II 01 Pat Flood
Winter 2017 THST*3650 THST*3650 Theatre Historical Studies Seminar: Fairy tales and British Pantomime 01 Jennifer Schacker
Winter 2017 THST*3700 THST*3700 Fundamentals of Directing 01 Sky Gilbert
Winter 2017 THST*4290 THST*4290 Approaches to Research II : Performance, Media, Sexuality 01 Mark Lipton
Term: Fall 2016
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2016 ENGL*1030 ENGL*1030 Effective Writing
Fall 2016 ENGL*1080(01) ENGL*1080(01) Literatures in English I: Reading the Past
Fall 2016 ENGL*1080(02) ENGL*1080(02) Literatures in English I: Reading the Past
Fall 2016 ENGL*1200 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World
Fall 2016 ENGL*2080 ENGL*2080 Literatures in English II: Finding a Critical Voice
Fall 2016 ENGL*2120 (01) ENGL*2120 (01) Seminar: Critical Practices
Fall 2016 ENGL*2120 (02) ENGL*2120 (02) Seminar: Critical Practices
Fall 2016 ENGL*2130 (01) ENGL*2130 (01) Seminar: Literature and Social Change
Fall 2016 ENGL*2130 (02) ENGL*2130 (02) Seminar: Literature and Social Change
Fall 2016 ENGL*2200 ENGL*2200 Postcolonial Literatures
Fall 2016 ENGL*2640 ENGL*2640 Culture, Location, Identity: Minoritized Literatures in Canada and Beyond
Fall 2016 ENGL*2740 (DE) ENGL*2740 (DE) Children's Literature
Fall 2016 ENGL*2920 ENGL*2920 Creative Writing: Fiction
Fall 2016 ENGL*3020 ENGL*3020 Shakespearean Contexts
Fall 2016 ENGL*3040 ENGL*3040 U.S. Latina/o Literature
Fall 2016 ENGL*3300 ENGL*3300 Restoration to Romanticism: Forging the Nation
Fall 2016 ENGL*3340 ENGL*3340 British Imperial Culture
Fall 2016 ENGL*3570 ENGL*3570 Chaucer in Context
Fall 2016 ENGL*3670 ENGL*3670 Twentieth-Century Canadian Literature & Criticism
Fall 2016 ENGL*3940 (01) ENGL*3940 (01) Seminar: Form, Genre & Literary Value
Fall 2016 ENGL*3940 (02) ENGL*3940 (02) Seminar: Form, Genre, & Literary Value
Fall 2016 ENGL*3960 (01) ENGL*3960 (01) Seminar: Literature in History
Fall 2016 ENGL*3960 (02) ENGL*3960 (02) Seminar: Literature in History
Fall 2016 ENGL*4250 ENGL*4250 18th & 19th Century Literature
Fall 2016 ENGL*4270 ENGL*4270 United States Literatures
Fall 2016 ENGL*4720 ENGL*4720 Creative Writing: Prose/Poetry
Fall 2016 ENGL*4890 ENGL*4890 Contemporary Literary Theory
Fall 2016 THST*1040 THST*1040 Introduction to Performance
Fall 2016 THST*1200 THST*1200 The Languages of Media
Fall 2016 THST*2010 THST*2010 Theatre Historical Studies
Fall 2016 THST*2080 THST*2080 Acting I
Fall 2016 THST*2230 THST*2230 Introduction to Technical Theatre
Fall 2016 THST*3080 THST*3080 Acting Studio
Fall 2016 THST*3110/3120 THST*3110/3120 Acting II/Acting III
Fall 2016 THST*3220/3230 THST*3220/3230 Technical Production I / II
Fall 2016 THST*3300 THST*3300 Sexuality and the Stage
Fall 2016 THST*3530 THST*3530 Canadian Film
Fall 2016 THST*3550 THST*3550 Theories of Drama and Theatre
Fall 2016 THST*3630 THST*3630 Special Studies in Studio Practice
Fall 2016 THST*3850 THST*3850 Canadian Drama and Theatre
Fall 2016 THST*4240 THST*4240 Theatrical Organization and Culture
Fall 2016 THST*4270 THST*4270 Research Seminar I
Term: Summer 2016
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2016 ENGL*1200 ENGL*1200 Reading the Contemporary World