Philosophy Course Outlines | College of Arts

Philosophy Course Outlines

Term: Winter 2024
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2024 PHIL*1010 Social and Political Issues 01 TBA
Winter 2024 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge and Reality 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Philosophy: Reason vs. Experience 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3100 Kant and His Legacy 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3370 Ethics of AI 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3380 Philosophy of Biology 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3390 Feminist Philosophy 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*3390 Feminist Philosophy 02
Winter 2024 PHIL*4060 Current Debates in Feminist Philosophy 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*4130 Current Debates in Continental Philosophy 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*4820 Phil research Presentation 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*6150 Contemporary European Philosophy 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*6230 Ethics 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*6400 Ethics of Data Science 01
Winter 2024 PHIL*6620 Current Debates in Feminist Philosophy 01
Term: Winter 2023
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2023 PHIL*1010 Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 02 Jason Robinson
Winter 2023 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love, and Friendship 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2023 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge, and Reality 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2023 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2023 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2023 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Philosophy 01 John Russon
Winter 2023 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 Meisam Mirzaee
Winter 2023 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 02 Molly Graham
Winter 2023 PHIL*2600 Business and Professional Ethics DE Natalie Evans
Winter 2023 PHIL*3100 Kant and his Lecacy 01 John Russon
Winter 2023 PHIL*3160 Metaphysics 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2023 PHIL*3370 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 01 Joshua Skorburg
Winter 2023 PHIL*3390 Feminist Philosophy 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2023 PHIL*3390 Feminist Philosophy 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2023 PHIL*4410 Social and Political Philosophy 01 Omid A. Payrow Shabani
Winter 2023 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2023 PHIL*6400 Data Science Ethics 01 Joshua Skorburg
Term: Fall 2023
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2023 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*1010 Social and Political Issues 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge, and Reality 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2140 Anicent Greek Philosophy 02
Fall 2023 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2280 Selected Topics in Political Philosophy 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*2600 Business Ethics 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law DE
Fall 2023 PHIL*3180 Philosophy of Mind 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*3200 Continental Philosophy 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*3290 Advanced Ethics 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics: Fanonian Practical Philosophy 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*3370 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*4140 Philosophy of Computation 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy/Selected Topics 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6410 Philosophy of Computation 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6600 Social/Political Philosophy 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6740 Philosophy of Biology 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6930 Major Texts in Philosophy/Selected Topics 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01
Fall 2023 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01
Term: Winter 2022
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2022 PHIL*1010 Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 TBA
Winter 2022 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love & Friendship 01 John Russon
Winter 2022 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge & Reality 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2022 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2022 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2022 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 TBA
Winter 2022 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2022 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Gennady McCracken
Winter 2022 PHIL*2120 Ethics 02 Kyle Barbour
Winter 2022 PHIL*2160 Early Mod Phil: Reason vs. Experience 01 TBA
Winter 2022 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 TBA
Winter 2022 PHIL*2600 Business & Professional Ethics DE TBA
Winter 2022 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2022 PHIL*3050 Philosophy of Art 01 Karen Houle
Winter 2022 PHIL*3100 Kant and His Legacy 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2022 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2022 PHIL*3370 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 01 Gus Skorburg
Winter 2022 PHIL*4040 Advanced Philosophy of the Environment 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2022 PHIL*4060 Philosophy of Feminism II 01 Amber Spence
Winter 2022 PHIL*4310 Applied Ethics 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2022 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2022 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2022 PHIL*6340 Modern Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2022 PHIL*6400 Ethics of Data Science 01 Gus Skorburg
Winter 2022 PHIL*6610 Social & Political Philosophy II: Black Political Thought 01 Monique Deveaux
Winter 2022 PHIL*6760 Science and Ethics: Nonideal Theory and Bioethics 01 Maya Goldenberg
Term: Fall 2022
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2022 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 John Russon
Fall 2022 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social and Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2022 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social and Political Issues 01 Mark McCullagh
Fall 2022 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social and Political Issues 02 Jason Robinson
Fall 2022 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge and Reality 01 Andrew Bailey
Fall 2022 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01 Maya Goldenberg
Fall 2022 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2022 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Robert Minatel
Fall 2022 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2022 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01 Kyle Novak
Fall 2022 PHIL*2240 Knowledge & Belief 01 Kyle Novak
Fall 2022 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2022 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law DE Peter Eardley
Fall 2022 PHIL*3170 Topics in the Philosophy of Science 01 Yussif Yakubu
Fall 2022 PHIL*3200 Continental Philosophy 01 Robert Minatel
Fall 2022 PHIL*3250 Philosophy of Language 01 Mark McCullagh
Fall 2022 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy 01 Kenneth Dorter
Fall 2022 PHIL*3920 Chinese Philosophy 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2022 PHIL*4130 Current Debates in Continental Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2022 PHIL*4140 Current Debates in Philosophy of Science 01 Team Taught
Fall 2022 PHIL*4230 Current Debates in Social & Political Philosophy 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2022 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2022 PHIL*6140 Contemporary European Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2022 PHIL*6410 Philosophy of Computation 01 Team Taught
Fall 2022 PHIL*6600 Social & Political Philosophy I 01 Monique Deveaux
Fall 2022 PHIL*6740 Philosophy of Biology 01 Stefan Linquist
Term: Fall 2021
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2021 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*1010 Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2021 PHIL*1010 Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2021 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love & Friendship DE TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01 Maya Goldenberg
Fall 2021 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking DE TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2021 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01 Andrew Freundlich
Fall 2021 PHIL*2170 Existentialism 01 James Belford
Fall 2021 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01 Haomiao Yu
Fall 2021 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 02 TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*2240 Knowledge & Belief 01 TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy 01 TBA
Fall 2021 PHIL*3190 Epistemology 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2021 PHIL*3200 Continental Philosophy 01 R. William Valliere
Fall 2021 PHIL*3210 Women in the History of Philosophy 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2021 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2021 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy II: Conflicts of Natures 01 Gordon Trenbeth
Fall 2021 PHIL*4360&6220 Current Debates in Epistemology 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2021 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy: Hobbes & Locke 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2021 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2021 PHIL*6600 Social & Political Philosophy: Religion and Democracy in Habermas & his Interlocutors 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2021 PHIL*6700 Ancient Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2021 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2021 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Term: Winter 2021
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2021 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social & Political Issues 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2021 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social & Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Winter 2021 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love & Friendship 01 John Russon
Winter 2021 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge & Reality 01 Hannah Schell
Winter 2021 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2021 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2021 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking DE Yussif Yakubu
Winter 2021 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2021 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2021 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Phil:Reason vs Experience 01 Adam Langridge
Winter 2021 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2021 PHIL*2600 Business & Professional Ethics 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2021 PHIL*3100 Kant and His Legacy 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2021 PHIL*3160 Metaphysics 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2021 PHIL*3170 Topics in the Philosophy of Science 01 Yussif Yakubu
Winter 2021 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2021 PHIL*3920 Chinese Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2021 PHIL*4060 Philosophy of Feminism II 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2021 PHIL*4130 Current Debates in Continental Philosophy 01 John Russon
Winter 2021 PHIL*4360 Current Debates in Epistemology 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2021 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2021 PHIL*6140 Contemporary European Philosophy I 01 John Russon
Winter 2021 PHIL*6760 Science and Ethics 01 Gus Skorburg & Stefan Linquist
Winter 2021 PHIL*6940 Selected Topics II 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2021 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Winter 2021 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Term: Fall 2020
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2020 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2020 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social & Political Issues 01 Mark McCullagh
Fall 2020 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social & Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2020 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love & Friendship 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2020 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01 Shannon Buckley
Fall 2020 PHIL*2080 Animals and Philosophy DE Stefan Linquist
Fall 2020 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2020 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Gus Skorburg
Fall 2020 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2020 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Fall 2020 PHIL*2240 Knowledge and Belief 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2020 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy 01 Yussif Yakubu
Fall 2020 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2020 PHIL*3200 Continental Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2020 PHIL*3290 Advanced Ethical Theory 01 Gus Skorburg
Fall 2020 PHIL*3910 Indian Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2020 PHIL*4140 Current Debates in Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Fall 2020 PHIL*4230 Current Debates in Social & Political Philosophy 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2020 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Fall 2020 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2020 PHIL*6120 Philosophy of Mind 01 Andrew Bailey
Fall 2020 PHIL*6230 Ethics 01 Samantha Brennan
Fall 2020 PHIL*6340 Modern Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Fall 2020 PHIL*6730 Contemporary Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Fall 2020 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2020 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Term: Winter 2020
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2020 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2020 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Winter 2020 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love and Friendship 01 John Russon
Winter 2020 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge & Reality 01 Brady Fullerton
Winter 2020 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I 01 Shannon Boss
Winter 2020 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01 John Ferguson
Winter 2020 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Don Dedrick
Winter 2020 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2020 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2020 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Philosophy; Reason vs Experience 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2020 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2020 PHIL*2600 Business and Professional Ethics 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2020 PHIL*3050 Philosophy of Art 01 John Russon
Winter 2020 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2020 PHIL*3100 Kant and His Legacy 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2020 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01 Monique Deveaux
Winter 2020 PHIL*3450 Ethics in the Life Sciences 01 Yussif Yakubu
Winter 2020 PHIL*4060 Philosophy of Feminism II 01 Marie-Pier Lemay
Winter 2020 PHIL*4120 Current Debates in Language & Mind 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2020 PHIL*4140 Current Debates in Philosophy of Science 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2020 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2020 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2020 PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary Philosophy 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2020 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy 01 Monique Deveaux
Winter 2020 PHIL*6760 Science and Ethics 01 Gus Skorburg
Winter 2020 PHIL*6940 Selected Topics II 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Winter 2020 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Winter 2020 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Term: Fall 2019
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2019 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 John Russon
Fall 2019 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 Mark McCullagh
Fall 2019 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues DE Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2019 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love and Friendship 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2019 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01 Maya Goldenberg
Fall 2019 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Yussif Yakubu
Fall 2019 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2019 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2019 PHIL*2170 Existentialism 01 John Russon
Fall 2019 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2019 PHIL*2240 Knowledge and Belief 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2019 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2019 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2019 PHIL*3180 Philosophy of Mind 01 Andrew Bailey
Fall 2019 PHIL*3190 Epistemology 01 Mark McCullagh
Fall 2019 PHIL*3210 Women in the History of Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Fall 2019 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2019 PHIL*4340 Current Debates in Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2019 PHIL*4360 Current Debates in Epistemology 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2019 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2019 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2019 PHIL*6200 Problems in Contemporary Philosophy 01 Samantha Brennan
Fall 2019 PHIL*6230 Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2019 PHIL*6740 Philosophy of Biology 01 Stefan Linquist
Fall 2019 PHIL*6930 Selected Topics I 01 Karen Wendling
Fall 2019 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2019 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Don Dedrick
Term: Winter 2019
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2019 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 Kyle Bromhall
Winter 2019 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love and Friendship 01 John Russon
Winter 2019 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge & Reality 01 Hannah Schell
Winter 2019 PHIL*2000 Philosophy of Biology 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2019 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2019 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2019 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Yussif Yakubu
Winter 2019 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2019 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2019 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Philosophy: Reason vs Experience 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2019 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 Kyle Bromhall
Winter 2019 PHIL*2600 Business and Professional Ethics 01 Victoria Burke
Winter 2019 PHIL*3100 Kant and His Legacy 01 Robert Minatel
Winter 2019 PHIL*3160 Metaphysics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2019 PHIL*3170 Topics in the Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2019 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01 Monique Deveaux
Winter 2019 PHIL*3450 Ethics in the Life Sciences 01 Cameron Fioret
Winter 2019 PHIL*3920 Chinese Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2019 PHIL*4060 Philosophy of Feminism II 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2019 PHIL*4120 Current Debates in Language & Mind 01 Don Dedrick
Winter 2019 PHIL*4230 Current Debates in Social and Political Philosophy 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Winter 2019 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2019 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2019 PHIL*6120 Philosophy of Mind 01 Don Dedrick
Winter 2019 PHIL*6220 Epistemology 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2019 PHIL*6310 Plato 01 Ken Dorter
Winter 2019 PHIL*6710 Survey of Early Modern Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2019 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2019 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Andrew Wayne
Term: Fall 2018
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2018 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2018 PHIL*1010 Intro Philosophy: Social and Political Issues 01 Kyle Bromhall
Fall 2018 PHIL*1030 Sex, Love and Friendship 01 Patricia Pajunen
Fall 2018 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine 01 Shannon Buckley
Fall 2018 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Yussif Yakubu
Fall 2018 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 Casey Ford
Fall 2018 PHIL*2140 Ancient Greek Philosophy 01 John Russon
Fall 2018 PHIL*2170 Existentialism 01 Josh Grant-Young
Fall 2018 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science 01 Maya Goldenberg
Fall 2018 PHIL*2240 Knowledge & Belief 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2018 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2018 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Fall 2018 PHIL*3200 Continental Philosophy 01 Kyle Novak
Fall 2018 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy 01 Don Dedrick
Fall 2018 PHIL*3290 Advanced Ethical Theory 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2018 PHIL*3360 19th Century Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2018 PHIL*3910 Indian Philosophy 01 Ken Dorter
Fall 2018 PHIL*4230 Current Debates in Social and Political Philosophy 01 Casey Ford
Fall 2018 PHIL*4340 Current Debates in Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Fall 2018 PHIL*4370 Current Debates in Metaphysics 01 Andrew Wayne
Fall 2018 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2018 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Karyn Freedman
Fall 2018 PHIL*6150 Contemporary European Philosophy II 01 John Russon
Fall 2018 PHIL*6320 Medieval Philosophy 01 Peter Eardley
Fall 2018 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy 01 Monique Deveaux
Fall 2018 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar 01 Andrew Wayne
Fall 2018 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar 01 Andrew Wayne
Term: Winter 2018
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2018 PHIL*1000 Classic Thinkers 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2018 PHIL*1010 Intro Phil: Social & Political Issues 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Winter 2018 PHIL*1050 Ethics, Knowledge and Reality 01 Mark McCullagh
Winter 2018 PHIL*2000 Philosophy of Biology 01 Stefan Linquist
Winter 2018 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2018 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment 01 Karen Houle
Winter 2018 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking 01 Yussif Yakabu
Winter 2018 PHIL*2110 Formal Logic 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2018 PHIL*2120 Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2018 PHIL*2160 Early Modern Phil: Reason vs Experience 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2018 PHIL*2370 Metaphysics and Mind 01 April Marratto
Winter 2018 PHIL*2600 Business and Professional Ethics DE Natalie Evans
Winter 2018 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy 01 Peter Eardley
Winter 2018 PHIL*3100 Kant and his Legacy 01 Kenneth Dorter
Winter 2018 PHIL*3230 Theories of Justice 01 Karen Wendling
Winter 2018 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy 01 Kyle Johnston
Winter 2018 PHIL*3410 Major Texts in the History of Philosophy 01 Patricia Sheridan
Winter 2018 PHIL*4140 Current Debates in Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2018 PHIL*4310 Applied Ethics 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2018 PHIL*4420 Major Texts in Philosophy 01 Kenneth Dorter
Winter 2018 PHIL*4820 Philosophy Research Presentation 01 Karyn Freedman
Winter 2018 PHIL*6230 Ethics 01 John Hacker-Wright
Winter 2018 PHIL*6240 Biomedical Ethics 01 Maya Goldenberg
Winter 2018 PHIL*6720 Current Debates in Philosophy of Science 01 Andrew Wayne
Winter 2018 PHIL*6930 Selected Topics I 01 Omid Payrow Shabani
Term: Fall 2016
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2016 PHIL*1000 Introductory Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2016 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Problems
Fall 2016 PHIL*1010-02 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2016 PHIL*1050 Introductory Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2016 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2016 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2016 PHIL*2120 Ethics
Fall 2016 PHIL*2140 History of Greek and Roman Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science
Fall 2016 PHIL*2250 Knowledge, Mind, Language
Fall 2016 PHIL*2280 Key Concepts in Political Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Fall 2016 PHIL*3080 History of Modern Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2016 PHIL*3130 Contemporary British and American Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*3250 Philosophy of Language
Fall 2016 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*3910 Indian Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*4040 Advanced Philosophy of the Environment
Fall 2016 PHIL*4270 Recent Philosophical Issues
Fall 2016 PHIL*4390 Selected Topics in Philosophy III
Fall 2016 PHIL*4400 Major Texts
Fall 2016 PHIL*6230 Ethics
Fall 2016 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy
Fall 2016 PHIL*6730 Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Fall 2016 PHIL*6930 Selected Topics
Fall 2016 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Fall 2016 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Term: Winter 2016
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2016 PHIL*1000 Introductory Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2016 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2016 PHIL*1010-02 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2016 PHIL*1050 Introductory Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2016 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Winter 2016 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism
Winter 2016 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2016 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Winter 2016 PHIL*2110 Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2016 PHIL*2120 Ethics
Winter 2016 PHIL*2160 Modern European Philosophy to Hume
Winter 2016 PHIL*2370 Introduction to Metaphysics
Winter 2016 PHIL*2600DE Business and Professional Ethics
Winter 2016 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Winter 2016 PHIL*3050 Philosophy of Art
Winter 2016 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy
Winter 2016 PHIL*3090 Philosophy of Kant
Winter 2016 PHIL*3180 Philosophy of Mind
Winter 2016 PHIL*3200 Contemporary European Philosophy
Winter 2016 PHIL*3230 Issues in Social and Political Philosophy
Winter 2016 PHIL*4270 Recent Philosophical Issues
Winter 2016 PHIL*4310 Applied Ethics
Winter 2016 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2016 PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary Philosophy
Winter 2016 PHIL*6311 Aristotle
Winter 2016 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy: Global Ethics
Winter 2016 PHIL*6940x4270 Recent Philosophical Issues
Winter 2016 PHIL*6950x6960 MA/PhD Seminar
Term: Summer 2016
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2016 PHIL*1010DE Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Term: Fall 2015
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2015 PHIL*1000-01 Introduction to Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2015 PHIL*1000-02 Introduction to Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2015 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2015 PHIL*1010-02 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2015 PHIL*1050 Introduction to Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2015 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2015 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2015 PHIL*2120 Ethics
Fall 2015 PHIL*2140 History of Greek & Roman Philosophy
Fall 2015 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science
Fall 2015 PHIL*2220 Philosophy and Literary Art Forms
Fall 2015 PHIL*2250 Knowledge, Mind & Language
Fall 2015 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Fall 2015 PHIL*3080 History of Modern Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2015 PHIL*3190 Theory of Knowledge
Fall 2015 PHIL*3210 Women in the History of Philosophy
Fall 2015 PHIL*4230 Social and Political Philosophy
Fall 2015 PHIL*4340 Advanced Ethics
Fall 2015 PHIL*4370 Metaphysics
Fall 2015 PHIL*4400 Major Texts
Fall 2015 PHIL*4410 Major Texts
Fall 2015 PHIL*6000 Value Theory
Fall 2015 PHIL*6310 Plato
Fall 2015 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy
Fall 2015 PHIL*6740 Philosophy of Biology
Fall 2015 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Fall 2015 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Fall 2015 PHIL3280 21st Century Philosophy
Term: Winter 2015
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2015 PHIL*1000-01 Introduction to Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2015 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2015 PHIL*1010-02 Introductory to Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2015 PHIL*1050 Introduction to Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2015 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism
Winter 2015 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2015 PHIL*2100DE Critical Thinking
Winter 2015 PHIL*2110 Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2015 PHIL*2120 Ethics
Winter 2015 PHIL*2160 Modern European Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*2170 Existentialism
Winter 2015 PHIL*2600 Business Ethics
Winter 2015 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*3230 Issues in Social and Political Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*3410 Major Texts in the History of Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*3450 Ethics in the Life Sciences
Winter 2015 PHIL*3920 Chinese Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*4160 Philosophy Field Course
Winter 2015 PHIL*4340 Advanced Ethics
Winter 2015 PHIL*4360 Theory of Knowledge II
Winter 2015 PHIL*4370 Metaphysics
Winter 2015 PHIL*4400 Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*4400x6930 Selected Topics
Winter 2015 PHIL*6150 Contemporary European Philosophy II
Winter 2015 PHIL*6210 Metaphysics
Winter 2015 PHIL*6220 Epistemology
Winter 2015 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy
Winter 2015 PHIL*6930x4400 Selected Topics
Winter 2015 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Winter 2015 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Term: Summer 2015
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2015 PHIL*2600DE Business Ethics
Term: Fall 2014
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2014 PHIL*1000-01 Introductory Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2014 PHIL*1000-02 Intro Phil: Major Texts
Fall 2014 PHIL*1010-01 Intro Phil: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2014 PHIL*1010-02 Intro Phil: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2014 PHIL*1050-01 Intro Phil: Basic Problems
Fall 2014 PHIL*1050-02 Intro Phil: Basic Problems
Fall 2014 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2014 PHIL*2070DE PHIL*2070DE
Fall 2014 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2014 PHIL*2120-01 Ethics
Fall 2014 PHIL*2120-02 Ethics
Fall 2014 PHIL*2140 History of Greek & Roman Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science
Fall 2014 PHIL*2250 Knowledge, Mind & Language
Fall 2014 PHIL*2600DE Business and Professional Ethics
Fall 2014 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Fall 2014 PHIL*3080 History of Modern Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2014 PHIL*3130 Contemporary British and American Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*3200 Contemporary European Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*3250 Philosophy of Language
Fall 2014 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy II: Early Modern Political Theories: The rise of modern liberalism
Fall 2014 PHIL*3410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*3910 Indian Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*4310 Applied Ethics
Fall 2014 PHIL*4400 Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*6230 Ethics
Fall 2014 PHIL*6320x4410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2014 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Fall 2014 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Term: Winter 2014
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2014 PHIL*1000 Introductory Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2014 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2014 PHIL*1010-02 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Winter 2014 PHIL*1050 Introductory Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2014 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Winter 2014 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism I
Winter 2014 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2014 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Winter 2014 PHIL*2110 Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2014 PHIL*2120 Ethics
Winter 2014 PHIL*2160 Modern European Philosophy to Hume
Winter 2014 PHIL*2370 Introduction to Metaphysics
Winter 2014 PHIL*2600DE Business and Professional Ethics
Winter 2014 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*3090 Philosophy of Kant
Winter 2014 PHIL*3170 Critical Debates in the Philosophy of Science
Winter 2014 PHIL*3180 Philosophy of Mind
Winter 2014 PHIL*3200 Contemporary European Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*3230 Issues in Social and Political Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*3410 Major Texts in the History of Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*3450 Ethics in the Life Sciences
Winter 2014 PHIL*4060 Philosophy of Feminism II
Winter 2014 PHIL*4340 Advanced Ethics
Winter 2014 PHIL*4360 Theory of Knowledge
Winter 2014 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*4500 Honours Seminar
Winter 2014 PHIL*6000 Advanced Ethics
Winter 2014 PHIL*6140 Contemporary European Philosophy I
Winter 2014 PHIL*6150 Contemporary Philosophy II
Winter 2014 PHIL*6200 Problems of Contemporary Philosophy
Winter 2014 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Winter 2014 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Term: Summer 2014
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2014 PHIL*2070DE Philosophy of the Environment
Term: Fall 2013
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2013 PHIL*1000-01 Introductory Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2013 PHIL*1000-02 Intro Phil: Major Texts
Fall 2013 PHIL*1010-01 Introductory Philosophy: Social and Political Issues
Fall 2013 PHIL*1010-02 Intro. Philosophy: Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*1050 Introductory Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2013 PHIL*2030 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2013 PHIL*2060 DE Philosophy of Feminism DE
Fall 2013 PHIL*2070 DE Philosophy of the Environment DE
Fall 2013 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2013 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2013 PHIL*2120-01 Ethics
Fall 2013 PHIL*2120-02 Ethics
Fall 2013 PHIL*2140 History of Greek and Roman Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science
Fall 2013 PHIL*2220 Philosophy and Literary Art
Fall 2013 PHIL*2220 Philosophy & Literary Art
Fall 2013 PHIL*2250 Knowledge, Mind and Language
Fall 2013 PHIL*2600 DE Business and Professional Ethics
Fall 2013 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Fall 2013 PHIL*3080 History of Modern European Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2013 PHIL*3130 Contemporary British and American Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*3190 Theory of Knowledge I
Fall 2013 PHIL*3210 Women in the History of Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*3280 21st Century Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*3420 Philosophical Problems of Religion
Fall 2013 PHIL*4110 Topics in Symbolic Logic
Fall 2013 PHIL*4160 Philosophy Field Course
Fall 2013 PHIL*4230 Social and Political Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*4270 Recent Philosophical Issues
Fall 2013 PHIL*4370 Metaphysics
Fall 2013 PHIL*4400 Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*4550 Philosophy Honours Seminar
Fall 2013 PHIL*6120 Philosophy of Mind
Fall 2013 PHIL*6311 Aristotle
Fall 2013 PHIL*6600 Social and Political Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*6710 Survey: Early Modern Philosophy
Fall 2013 PHIL*6740 Philosophy of Biology
Fall 2013 PHIL*6900 Reading Course
Fall 2013 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Fall 2013 PHIL*6960 PhD Seminar
Fall 2013 PHIL*6990 Guided Research Project
Term: Winter 2013
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2013 PHIL*1000 Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2013 PHIL*1010-01 Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2013 PHIL*1010-02 Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2013 PHIL*1010DE Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues DE
Winter 2013 PHIL*1050 Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2013 PHIL*2030-01 Philosophy of Medicine
Winter 2013 PHIL*2030DE Philosophy of Medicine DE
Winter 2013 PHIL*2060 Philosophy of Feminism
Winter 2013 PHIL*2070 Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2013 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Winter 2013 PHIL*2110 Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2013 PHIL*2120-01 Ethics
Winter 2013 PHIL*2120-02 Ethics
Winter 2013 PHIL*2160 Modern European Philosophy to Hume
Winter 2013 PHIL*2170 Existentialism
Winter 2013 PHIL*2370 Introduction to Metaphysics
Winter 2013 PHIL*2600 Business and Professional Ethics
Winter 2013 PHIL*3050 Philosophy of Art
Winter 2013 PHIL*3050DE Philosophy of Art
Winter 2013 PHIL*3060 Medieval Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*3200 Contemporary European Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*3350 Selected Topics in Philosophy 11
Winter 2013 PHIL*3410 Major Texts in the History of Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*3450 Ethics in the Life Sciences
Winter 2013 PHIL*3920 Chinese Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*4040 Advanced Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2013 PHIL*4320 Social & Political Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*4340 Advanced Ethics
Winter 2013 PHIL*4360 Theory of Knowledge ll
Winter 2013 PHIL*4400 Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*4410 Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*4500 Philosophy Honours Seminar
Winter 2013 PHIL*6220 Epistemology
Winter 2013 PHIL*6310 Plato
Winter 2013 PHIL*6600 Social & Political Philosophy
Winter 2013 PHIL*6730 Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Winter 2013 PHIL*6760 Sciences and Ethics
Winter 2013 PHIL*6950 MA Seminar
Winter 2013 PHIL*6960 PhD Graduate Seminar
Term: Summer 2013
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2013 PHIL*2070DE Philosophy of the Environment
Summer 2013 PHIL*2220DE Philosophy and Literary Art
Summer 2013 PHIL*3040DE Philosophy of Law
Term: Fall 2012
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2012 PHIL*1000-01 Intro. Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2012 PHIL*1000-02 Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2012 PHIL*1010-01 Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2012 PHIL*1010-02 Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2012 PHIL*1050-01 Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2012 PHIL*1050-02 Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2012 PHIL*2030-01 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2012 PHIL*2030-02 Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2012 PHIL*2070DE Philosophy of the Environment DE
Fall 2012 PHIL*2100 Critical Thinking
Fall 2012 PHIL*2120-01 Ethics
Fall 2012 PHIL*2120-02 Ethics
Fall 2012 PHIL*2130 Philosophy of Religion
Fall 2012 PHIL*2140 History of Greek & Roman Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*2180 Philosophy of Science
Fall 2012 PHIL*2220 Philosophy and Literary Art
Fall 2012 PHIL*2250 Knowledge, Mind & Language
Fall 2012 PHIL*3040 Philosophy of Law
Fall 2012 PHIL*3080 History of Modern European Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2012 PHIL*3130-01 PHIL*3130-01 - Contemporary British and American Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*3240-DE PHIL*3240-DE - Philosophy of Technology DE
Fall 2012 PHIL*3250-01 PHIL*3250-01 - Philosophy of Language
Fall 2012 PHIL*3280-01 PHIL*3280-01 - 21st Century Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*3410-01 PHIL*3410-01 - Major Texts in the History of Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*3710-01 PHIL*3710-01 - Directed Reading Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*3720-01 PHIL*3720-01 - Directed Reading Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*3910-01 PHIL*3910-01 - Indian Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*4160-01 PHIL*4160-01 - Philosophy Field Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*4230-01 PHIL*4230-01 - Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*4270x6200 PHIL*4270x6200 - Recent Philosophical Issues
Fall 2012 PHIL*4310-01 PHIL*4310-01 - Applied Ethics
Fall 2012 PHIL*4370-01 PHIL*4370-01 - Metaphysics
Fall 2012 PHIL*4390-01 PHIL*4390-01 - Selected Topics in Philosophy III - Emergentism
Fall 2012 PHIL*4390-01 PHIL*4390-01 - Selected Topics in Philosophy III - CANCELLED
Fall 2012 PHIL*4400-01 PHIL*4400-01 - Major Texts in Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*4550-01 PHIL*4550-01 - Philosophy Honours Workshop
Fall 2012 PHIL*4710-01 PHIL*4710-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*4720-01 PHIL*4720-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*4800-01 PHIL*4800-01 - Honours Philosophy Research Paper
Fall 2012 PHIL*6140-01 PHIL*6140-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*6140-01 PHIL*6140-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*6200x4270 PHIL*6200x4270 - Problems in Contemporary Philosophy
Fall 2012 PHIL*6320-01 PHIL*6320-01 - Medieval Philosophy - Thomas Aquinas on Evil
Fall 2012 PHIL*6530-01 PHIL*6530-01 - Kant and Husserl
Fall 2012 PHIL*6740-01 PHIL*6740-01 - Philosophy of Biology
Fall 2012 PHIL*6900-01 PHIL*6900-01 - Directed Reading Course
Fall 2012 PHIL*6930-01 PHIL*6930-01 - Selected Topics 1
Fall 2012 PHIL*6950-01 PHIL*6950-01 - MA Seminar
Fall 2012 PHIL*6960-01 PHIL*6960-01 - PhD Seminar
Fall 2012 PHIL*6990-01 PHIL*6990-01 - Guided Research Project
Term: Winter 2012
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2012 PHIL*1000-01 PHIL*1000-01 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2012 PHIL*1000-DE PHIL*1000-DE - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts DE
Winter 2012 PHIL*1010-01 PHIL*1010-01 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2012 PHIL*1010-02 PHIL*1010-02 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2012 PHIL*1050-01 PHIL*1050-01 - Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2012 PHIL*2030-01 PHIL*2030-01 - Philosophy of Medicine
Winter 2012 PHIL*2060-01 PHIL*2060-01 - Philosophy of Feminism
Winter 2012 PHIL*2070-01 PHIL*2070-01 - Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2012 PHIL*2100-01 PHIL*2100-01- Critical Thinking
Winter 2012 PHIL*2110-01 PHIL*2110-01 - Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2012 PHIL*2120-01 PHIL*2120-01 - Ethics
Winter 2012 PHIL*2120-DE PHIL*2120-DE - Ethics DE
Winter 2012 PHIL*2140-DE PHIL*2140-DE - History of Greek & Roman Philosophy DE
Winter 2012 PHIL*2160-01 PHIL*2160-01 - Modern European Philosophy to Hume
Winter 2012 PHIL*2370-01 PHIL*2370-01 - Introduction to Metaphysics
Winter 2012 PHIL*2600-01 PHIL*2600-01 - Business & Professional Ethics
Winter 2012 PHIL*3090-01 PHIL*3090-01 - Philosophy of Kant
Winter 2012 PHIL*3170-01 PHIL*3170-01 - Critical Debates in the Philosophy of Science
Winter 2012 PHIL*3180-01 PHIL*3180-01 - Philosophy of Mind
Winter 2012 PHIL*3200-01 PHIL*3200-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy
Winter 2012 PHIL*3230-01 PHIL*3230-01 - Issues in Social and Political Philosophy
Winter 2012 PHIL*3450-01 PHIL*3450-01 - Ethics in the Life Sciences
Winter 2012 PHIL*3710-01 PHIL*3710-01 - Directed Reading Course
Winter 2012 PHIL*3720-01 PHIL*3720-01 - Directed Reading Course
Winter 2012 PHIL*4060xWMST*4010 PHIL*4060xWMST*4010 - Philosophy of Feminism II
Winter 2012 PHIL*4340-01 PHIL*4340-01 - Advanced Ethics
Winter 2012 PHIL*4360-01 PHIL*4360-01 - Theory of Knowledge II
Winter 2012 PHIL*4390x6210 PHIL*4390x6210 - Selected Topics in Philosophy III
Winter 2012 PHIL*4410-01 PHIL*4410-01 - Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2012 PHIL*4420x6140 PHIL*4420x6140 - Major Texts in Philosophy
Winter 2012 PHIL*4500-01 PHIL*4500-01 - Philosophy Honours Seminar
Winter 2012 PHIL*4710-01 PHIL*4710-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Winter 2012 PHIL*4720-01 PHIL*4720-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Winter 2012 PHIL*4800-01 PHIL*4800-01 - Honours Philosophy Research Paper
Winter 2012 PHIL*6140x4420 PHIL*6140x4420 - Contemporary European Philosophy I
Winter 2012 PHIL*6210x4390 PHIL*6210x4390 - Metaphysics
Winter 2012 PHIL*6220-01 PHIL*6220-01 - Epistemology
Winter 2012 PHIL*6340-01 PHIL*6340-01 - Modern Philosophy
Winter 2012 PHIL*6950-01 PHIL*6950-01 - MA Seminar
Winter 2012 PHIL*6960-01 PHIL*6960-01 - PhD Seminar
Winter 2012 PHIL*6990-01 PHIL*6990-01 - Guided Research Project
Term: Summer 2012
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2012 PHIL*1010-DE PHIL*1010-DE - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues DE
Summer 2012 PHIL*1050-DE PHIL*1050-DE - Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems DE
Summer 2012 PHIL*2070-DE PHIL*2070-DE - Philosophy of the Environment DE
Summer 2012 PHIL*6900-01 PHIL*6900-01 - Directed Reading Course
Term: Fall 2011
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2011 PHIL*1000-01 PHIL*1000-01 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2011 PHIL*1000-02 PHIL*1000-02 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2011 PHIL*1010-01 PHIL*1010-01 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2011 PHIL*1010-02 PHIL*1010-02 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2011 PHIL*1050-01 PHIL*1050-01 - Intro. Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2011 PHIL*2030-01 PHIL*2030-01 - Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2011 PHIL*2030-02 PHIL*2030-02 - Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2011 PHIL*2070-DE PHIL*2070-DE - Philosophy of the Environment DE
Fall 2011 PHIL*2100-01 PHIL*2100-01 - Critical Thinking
Fall 2011 PHIL*2120-01 PHIL*2120-01 - Ethics
Fall 2011 PHIL*2120-02 PHIL*2120-02 - Ethics
Fall 2011 PHIL*2130-DE PHIL*2130-DE - Philosophy of Religion DE
Fall 2011 PHIL*2140-01 PHIL*2140-01 - History of Greek & Roman Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*2180-01 PHIL*2180-01 - Philosophy of Science
Fall 2011 PHIL*2220-01 PHIL*2220-01 - Philosophy and Literary Art
Fall 2011 PHIL*2250-01 PHIL*2250-01 - Knowledge, Mind and Language
Fall 2011 PHIL*3040-01 PHIL*3040-01 - Philosophy of Law
Fall 2011 PHIL*3080-01 PHIL*3080-01 - History of Modern European Philosophy from Kant
Fall 2011 PHIL*3130-01 PHIL*3130-01 - Contemporary British and American Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*3190-01 PHIL*3190-01 - Theory of Knowledge
Fall 2011 PHIL*3210-01 PHIL*3210-01 - Women in the History of Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*3240-01 PHIL*3240-01 - Philosophy of Technology
Fall 2011 PHIL*3280-01 PHIL*3280-01 - 21st CENTURY PHILOSOPHY
Fall 2011 PHIL*3350-01 PHIL*3350-01 - Selected Topics in Philosophy I
Fall 2011 PHIL*3420-01 PHIL*3420-01 - Philosophical Problems of Religion
Fall 2011 PHIL*4160-01 PHIL*4160-01 - Philosophy Field Course
Fall 2011 PHIL*4230-01 PHIL*4230-01 - Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*4370 PHIL*4370-01 - Metaphysics
Fall 2011 PHIL*4400x6310 PHIL*4400x6310 - Major Texts in Philosophy: Plato
Fall 2011 PHIL*4410x6930 PHIL*4410x6930 - Selected Topics in Phil. III: Hume's Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Morals
Fall 2011 PHIL*4550-01 PHIL*4550-01 - Philosophy Honours Workshop
Fall 2011 PHIL*4710-01 PHIL*4710-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Fall 2011 PHIL*4720-01 PHIL*4720-01 - Philosophy Reading Course
Fall 2011 PHIL*4800-01 PHIL*4800-01 - Honours Philosophy Research Paper
Fall 2011 PHIL*6200-01 PHIL*6200-01 - Problems of Contemporary Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*6310x4400 PHIL*6310x4400 - Plato
Fall 2011 PHIL*6600-01 PHIL*6600-01 - Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2011 PHIL*6740-01 PHIL*6740-01 - Philosophy of Biology
Fall 2011 PHIL*6900-01 PHIL*6900-01 - Directed Reading Course
Fall 2011 PHIL*6930x4410 PHIL*6930x4410 - Selected Topics: Hume's Epistemology, Metaphysics and Morals
Fall 2011 PHIL*6950-01 PHIL*6950-01 - MA Seminar
Fall 2011 PHIL*6960-01 PHIL*6960-01 - PhD Seminar
Term: Winter 2011
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Winter 2011 PHIL*1000-01 PHIL*1000-01 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Winter 2011 PHIL*1010-01 PHIL*1010-01 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2011 PHIL*1010-02 PHIL*1010-02 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Winter 2011 PHIL*1050-01 PHIL*1050-01 - Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Winter 2011 PHIL*2030-01 PHIL*2030-01 - Philosophy of Medicine
Winter 2011 PHIL*2060-01 PHIL*2060-01 - Philosophy of Feminism
Winter 2011 PHIL*2070-01 PHIL*2070-01 - Philosophy of the Environment
Winter 2011 PHIL*2100-01 PHIL*2100-01 - Critical Thinking
Winter 2011 PHIL*2100-DE PHIL*2100-DE - Critical Thinking DE
Winter 2011 PHIL*2110-01 PHIL*2110-01 - Elementary Symbolic Logic
Winter 2011 PHIL*2120-01 PHIL*2120-01 - Ethics
Winter 2011 PHIL*2120-02 PHIL*2120-02 - Ethics
Winter 2011 PHIL*2120-DE PHIL*2120-DE - Ethics DE
Winter 2011 PHIL*2160-01 PHIL*2160-01 - History of Modern Philosophy to Hume
Winter 2011 PHIL*2170-01 PHIL*2170-01 - Existentialism
Winter 2011 PHIL*2600-01 PHIL*2600-01 - Business and Professional Ethics
Winter 2011 PHIL*3050-01 PHIL*3050-01 - Philosophy of Art
Winter 2011 PHIL*3060-01 PHIL*3060-01 - Medieval Philosophy
Winter 2011 PHIL*3170-01 PHIL*3170-01 - Critical Debates in the Philosophy of Science
Winter 2011 PHIL*3200-01 PHIL*3200-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy
Winter 2011 PHIL*3410-01 PHIL*3410-01 - Major Texts in the History of Philosophy
Winter 2011 PHIL*3420-01 PHIL*3420-01 - Philosophical Problems of Religion
Winter 2011 PHIL*3450-01 PHIL*3450-01 - Ethics in the Life Sciences
Winter 2011 PHIL*3920-01 PHIL*3920-01 - Chinese Philosophy
Winter 2011 PHIL*4340-01 PHIL*4340-01 - Advanced Ethics
Winter 2011 PHIL*4360-01 PHIL*4360-01 - Theory of Knowledge II
Winter 2011 PHIL*4390-01 PHIL*4390-01 - Selected Topics in Philosophy III
Winter 2011 PHIL*4400-01 PHIL*4400-01 - Plato
Winter 2011 PHIL*4500-01 PHIL*4500-01 - Philosophy Honours Seminar
Winter 2011 PHIL*6150-01 PHIL*6150-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy II
Winter 2011 PHIL*6200_01 PHIL*6200_01 - Problems of Contemporary Philosophy
Winter 2011 PHIL*6210-01 PHIL*6210-01 - Metaphysics
Winter 2011 PHIL*6240-01 PHIL*6240-01 - Biomedical Ethics
Winter 2011 PHIL*6310-01 PHIL*6310-01 - Plato
Winter 2011 PHIL*6340-01 PHIL*6340-01 - Modern Philosophy - Descartes & Spinoza
Winter 2011 PHIL*6950-01 PHIL*6950-01 - MA Seminar
Winter 2011 PHIL*6960-01 PHIL*6960-01 - PhD Seminar
Term: Summer 2011
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Summer 2011 PHIL*2030-DE PHIL*2030-DE - Philosophy of Medicine DE
Summer 2011 PHIL*2100-DE PHIL*2100-DE - Critical Thinking DE
Summer 2011 PHIL*2120-01 PHIL*2120-01 - Ethics
Summer 2011 PHIL*2170-01 PHIL*2170-01 - Existentialism
Term: Fall 2010
Term Course code Title Section Instructor
Fall 2010 PHIL*1000-01 PHIL*1000-01 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2010 PHIL*1000-02 PHIL*1000-02 - Intro Philosophy: Major Texts
Fall 2010 PHIL*1010-01 PHIL*1010-01 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2010 PHIL*1010-02 PHIL*1010-02 - Intro Philosophy: Social & Political Issues
Fall 2010 PHIL*1050-01 PHIL*1050-01 - Intro Philosophy: Basic Problems
Fall 2010 PHIL*2030-01 PHIL*2030-01 - Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2010 PHIL*2030-02 PHIL*2030-02 - Philosophy of Medicine
Fall 2010 PHIL*2100-01 PHIL*2100-01 - Critical Thinking Don Dedrick
Fall 2010 PHIL*2120-01 PHIL*2120-01 - Ethics
Fall 2010 PHIL*2120-02 PHIL*2120-02 - Ethics
Fall 2010 PHIL*2130-01 PHIL*2130-01 - Philosophy of Religion
Fall 2010 PHIL*2130-DE PHIL*2130-DE - Philosophy of Religion DE
Fall 2010 PHIL*2140-01 PHIL*2140-01 - History of Greek and Roman Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*2170-DE PHIL*2170-DE - Existentialism DE
Fall 2010 PHIL*2180-01 PHIL*2180-01 - Philosophy of Science
Fall 2010 PHIL*2180-01 PHIL*2250-01 - Knowledge, Mind and Language
Fall 2010 PHIL*3040-01 PHIL*3040-01 - Philosophy of Law
Fall 2010 PHIL*3080-01 PHIL*3080-01 - History of Modern European Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*3130-01 PHIL*3130-01 - Continental, British and American Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*3180-01 PHIL*3180-01 - Philosophy of Mind
Fall 2010 PHIL*3230-01 PHIL*3230-01 - Issues in Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*3250-01 PHIL*3250-01 - Philosophy of Language
Fall 2010 PHIL*3280-01 PHIL*3280-01 - 21st Century Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*3910-01 PHIL*3910-01 - Indian Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*3930-01 PHIL*3930-01 - African Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*4040-01 PHIL*4040-01 - Advanced Philosophy of the Environment
Fall 2010 PHIL*4060-01 PHIL*4060-01 - Philosophy of Feminism II
Fall 2010 PHIL*4110-01 PHIL*4110-01 - Topics in Symbolic Logic
Fall 2010 PHIL*4310-01 PHIL*4310-01 - Applied Ethics
Fall 2010 PHIL*4340-01 PHIL*4340-01 - Advanced Ethics
Fall 2010 PHIL*4340-01 PHIL*4340-01 - Advanced Ethics
Fall 2010 PHIL*4550-01 PHIL*4550-01 - Philosophy Honours Seminar
Fall 2010 PHIL*6140-01 PHIL*6140-01 - Contemporary European Philosophy I
Fall 2010 PHIL*6600-01 PHIL*6600-01 - Social & Political Philosophy
Fall 2010 PHIL*6730-01 PHIL*6730-01 - Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Fall 2010 PHIL*6740-01 PHIL*6740-01 - Philosophy of Biology
Fall 2010 PHIL*6930-01 PHIL*6930-01 - Selected Topics 1
Fall 2010 PHIL*6950-01 PHIL*6950-01 - MA Seminar
Fall 2010 PHIL*6960-01 PHIL*6960-01 - PhD Seminar