Primary tabs
Accession fee - EIA courier charge
Accession fee - referral lab pass-through
Accession fee - Univ. of Minnesota
Acetylcholine receptor antibodies (myasthenia gravis)
ACTH, endogenous (adrenocorticotropic hormone) - chemiluminescence
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), 1 serotype
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), 2 serotypes
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), 3 serotypes
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), multi-serotypes
Adenovirus, companion/other - IHC
Adenovirus, food animal - IHC
Adrenal panel, dog (pre & post)
Adrenal panel, ferret
Adrenal panel, rabbit (neutered only)
AHL accessioning fee (external sample handling fee)
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) - photometric
Albumin - photometric
Aldosterone, post
Aleutian disease virus - PCR
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) - photometric
Alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme, steroid-induced - photometric
American Foulbrood - PCR
Amino acid, taurine
Ammonia, water/ocular fluid - colorimetric
Amylase - photometric
Anaplasma ELISA
Anaplasma marginale and A. centrale - duplex PCR
Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi - PCR
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), equine
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), spay check
Anticoagulant screen - LC-MS/MS
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Antinuclear antibody (ANA) - FA
Antithrombin III, functional or immunological
APMV-1 (Avian paramyxovirus 1) - PCR
APMV-1 - chicken - ELISA
APMV-1, companion/other - HI
APMV-1, food animal - HI
APMV-1, turkey - ELISA
APMV-3 (Avian paramyxovirus 3) - HI
Arsenic - ICP-MS
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) - photometric
Astrovirus type 3, porcine (PoAstV3) - PCR
Astrovirus type 4, porcine (PoAstV4) - PCR
Astrovirus, avian - PCR
Atypical Pestivirus, porcine - PCR
Aves polyomavirus (AvPyV)-PCR; Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV)-PCR; Psittacid herpesvirus (PsHV)-PCR
Avian adenovirus - genotyping
Avian adenovirus - isolation in cell culture
Avian adenovirus - PCR
Avian adenovirus, FAdV08/FAdV11 - microneutralization test
Avian bornavirus - PCR
Avian Coxiella-like organism ID
Avian differential
Avian encephalomyelitis virus - ELISA
Avian encephalomyelitis virus - PCR
Avian influenza virus
Avian leukosis virus - antigen ELISA
Avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) - ELISA
Avian metapneumovirus type A, B, C (AMPV A, B, C) - PCR
Avian paramyxovirus
Avian reovirus - ELISA
Avian reovirus - PCR
Avian sexing - DNA
Avian sexing - DNA (feathers)
Avibacterium paragallinarum - PCR
Avitrol (4-aminopyridine) - LC-MS/MS
B12 + folate
B12 + folate + TLI + PLI, canine and feline
B12 + folate + TLI, canine only
B12 + folate + TLI, feline only
BA, sample handling
BA, sample pooling
Babesia - PCR
Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) - PCR
Bacillus anthracis - PCR
Bacterial count, total aerobic and coliform, bedding
Bacterial count, total aerobic and coliform, colostrum/milk
Bacterial count, total aerobic, bedding
Bacterial count, total aerobic, colostrum/milk
Bacterial count, total coliform, bedding
Bacterial count, total coliform, colostrum/milk
Bacterial culture - Campylobacter fetus sbsp venerealis
Bacterial culture, abortion case
Bacterial culture, abortion case with Campylobacter culture
Bacterial culture, aerobic and anaerobic, disk diffusion, companion/other
Bacterial culture, aerobic and anaerobic, food animal
Bacterial culture, aerobic and anaerobic, minimal inhibitory, companion/other
Bacterial culture, aerobic, disk diffusion, companion/other
Bacterial culture, aerobic, minimal inhibitory concentration, companion/other
Bacterial culture, anaerobic, companion/other
Bacterial culture, anaerobic, food animal
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion, companion/other
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion, extra panel
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion, food/fiber producing animals including swine
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion, honey bees
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC, aerobes
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC, anaerobes
Bacterial culture, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC, minocycline
Bacterial culture, blood
Bacterial culture, environmental 1
Bacterial culture, environmental 2
Bacterial culture, environmental 3
Bacterial culture, fecal, Clostridium difficile, companion/other
Bacterial culture, fecal, Clostridium difficile, food animal
Bacterial culture, fecal, companion/other
Bacterial culture, fecal, equine
Bacterial culture, fecal, porcine
Bacterial culture, follow-up, companion/other
Bacterial culture, food/fiber producing animals (other than swine)
Bacterial culture, honey bee, American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae)
Bacterial culture, honey bee, European foulbrood (Melissococcus plutonius)
Bacterial culture, Listeria enrichment
Bacterial culture, non-food fish
Bacterial culture, set-up charge
Bacterial culture, swine
Bacterial ID
Bacterial identification - MALDI-TOF
Bacterial isolate preparation
Bacteriology, acid-fast stain for Mycobacterium spp.
Bacteriology, Giemsa stain
Bacteriology, Gram stain
Bacteriology, modified acid-fast stain
Bacteriology, wet mount
Baermann, standard
Bartonella (Rochalimaea) - PCR
Bartonella panel - serology
Bartonella spp - PCR
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis & B. salamandrivorans - PCR
Baylisascaris procyonis - COX2 gene sequencing
Baylisascaris procyonis - PCR
Bee processing setup charge
Bence-Jones protein in urine
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) - photometric
Bile acids, pre & post-prandial
Bile acids, single sample
Bilirubin, conjugated - photometric
Bilirubin, total - photometric
Biochemistry profile, avian/reptilian - photometric
Biochemistry profile, avian/reptilian - Vetscan
Biochemistry profile, bovine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, bovine, metabolic - photometric
Biochemistry profile, canine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, caprine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, equine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, equine, hepatic health - photometric
Biochemistry profile, equine, presurgical - photometric
Biochemistry profile, equine, renal health - photometric
Biochemistry profile, feline - photometric
Biochemistry profile, ovine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, porcine - photometric
Biochemistry profile, small animal, generic - photometric
Biochemistry profile, small animal, geriatric health - photometric
Biochemistry profile, small animal, hepatic health - photometric
Biochemistry profile, small animal, presurgical - photometric
Biochemistry profile, small animal, renal health - photometric
Blastomyces - quantitative antigen EIA
Blood culture
Blood lead
Blood typing, canine
Blood typing, feline
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Bluetongue virus Ab - ELISA
Bluetongue virus/Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus - PCR
Bone marrow evaluation
Bone profile (ash, density, calcium, phosphorus)
Borrelia burgdorferi
Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum - PCR
Borrelia burgdorferi, canine - multiplex antibody assay
Borrelia burgdorferi, canine - quantitative C6 antibody ELISA
Borrelia burgdorferi, equine - multiplex antibody assay
Botulism, serum - mouse inoculation test
Botulism, tissue/feed - mouse inoculation test
Bovine abortion panel - PCR (BoHV-1/IBR, Leptospira, Neospora caninum)
Bovine adenovirus 3 - VN
Bovine adenovirus sequencing
Bovine astrovirus - PCR
Bovine coronavirus - IHC
Bovine coronavirus - VN
Bovine herpesvirus 1
Bovine leukemia virus - antibody ELISA
Bovine neonatal enteric panel
Bovine papillomavirus - PCR for fresh tissue
Bovine papillomavirus - PCR for paraffin-embedded tissue
Bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (PI3) - VN
Bovine respiratory serology panel - VN
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus
Bovine respiratory virus panel - PCR (BoHV-1/IBR, BPIV-3, BRSV)
Bovine rotavirus - IHC
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
Bovine viral diarrhea virus
Bovine viral diarrhea virus/Bovine adenovirus/Bovine coronavirus - PCR
BPV PCR paraffin block
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae - PCR
Brachyspira PCR general panel
Brachyspira PCR porcine panel
Brachyspira pilosicoli - PCR
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) - canine - (Cardiopet)
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) - feline - (Cardiopet)
Bromethalin (desmethylbromethalin) - LC-MS/MS
Brucella abortus, bovine - serology state requirement
Brucella canis - ME tube agglutination test
Brucella canis immunoflourescence assay - antibody
Brucella ovis - antibody ELISA
Buffy coat smears
BVDV, type 1a NADL - VN
BVDV, type 1a Singer - VN
BVDV, type 2 NVSL 125 - VN
Cache Valley virus
Cache Valley virus - PCR
Cadmium (Cd)
CAEV, MVV, small ruminant lentivirus - IHC
Calcium, Ionized
Calcium, serum - photometric
Canid herpesvirus 1 (CaHV-1)-PCR; Canine adenovirus 2 (CAdV-2)-PCR; Canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV)-PCR
Canine adenovirus 1/2 - VN
Canine blood typing
Canine Brucella
Canine C-Reactive Protein - photometric
Canine coronavirus - IHC
Canine coronavirus - VN
Canine Diarrhea - Real PCR Panel (Comprehensive)
Canine distemper virus - IHC
Canine distemper virus - PCR
Canine distemper virus - VN
Canine distemper virus sequencing - PCR
Canine herpesvirus - VN
Canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI)
Canine parainfluenza virus - VN
Canine parvovirus 2 - HI
Canine parvovirus 2 - IHC
Canine parvovirus 2/Feline panleukopenia virus sequencing
Canine/feline/mink parvovirus - PCR
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus/maedi-visna virus
Carbamate pesticide screen
Carbon dioxide (bicarbonate) - photometric
Cardboard slide mailer
Cardiopet proBNP - canine
Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis), caprine - serology
CBC, comprehensive, with manual diff, TS, companion/other
CBC, comprehensive, with manual diff, TS, food animal
CBC, no differential
CBC, with machine differential
CBC, with manual diff, TS; avian
Centrifugal/concentration fecal float
Chicken anemia virus - ELISA
Chicken anemia virus genotyping
Chicken proventricular necrosis virus - PCR
Chicken rotavirus A/chicken rotavirus D/chicken parvovirus - PCR
Chlamydia abortus - PCR
Chlamydia abortus PCR and Coxiella burnetii PCR combo.
Chlamydia panel, avian
Chlamydia psittaci - PCR
Chlamydia spp - PCR
Chlamydia spp - PCR, non-food animals
Chlamydia suis - PCR
Chloride - ISE
Chloride, urine - ISE
Chloride, water
Cholesterol - photometric
Cholinesterase, blood - UV colorimetric
Cholinesterase, brain - UV colorimetric
Chronic Wasting Disease PrP (prion protein gene) genotyping in elk (codon 132) - sequencing
Chronic Wasting Disease PrP (prion protein gene) genotyping in white-tail deer (codon 96) - sequencing
Chytrid - PCR
Clostridium botulinum (A, B, C, D, E, and F) toxin gene detection - PCR
Clostridium difficile - culture
Clostridium difficile toxins A & B, companion/other - ELISA
Clostridium difficile toxins A & B, food animal - ELISA
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E) and detection of cpe and beta 2 toxins, companion/other - genotyping
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E) and detection of cpe and beta 2 toxins, food animal - genotyping
Clostridium perfringens - enterotoxin ELISA
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification
Coagulation factor assay, factor II
Coagulation factor assay, factor IX
Coagulation factor assay, factor V
Coagulation factor assay, factor VII
Coagulation factor assay, factor VIII
Coagulation factor assay, factor X
Coagulation factor assay, factor XI
Coagulation factor assay, factor XII (canine)
Coagulation factor assay, factor XII (feline)
Coagulation profile 1 (PT,PTT)
Coagulation profile 3 (PT,PTT, fibrinogen)
Cobalt (Co)
Coggins test
Complete blood count
Comprehensive Bovine Respiratory Disease Panel
Consensus Reptile Adenovirus - PCR
Convulsant screen (strychnine, penitrem A, roquefortine) - LC-MS/MS
Coombs test, direct
Coombs test, indirect
Copper – paired liver and kidney - ICP-MS
Copper, biopsy - ICP-MS
Copper, serum, companion/other - ICP-MS
Copper, serum, food animal - ICP-MS
Copper, tissue/other - ICP-MS
Cortisol, ACTH stimulation profile - chemiluminescence
Cortisol, dexamethasone suppression profile - chemiluminescence
Cortisol, dexamethasone suppression profile, equine - chemiluminescence
Cortisol, single sample - chemiluminescence
Cortisol:creatinine ratio, urine
Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) - ELISA
Coxiella burnetii - PCR
Coxiella-like organism sequencing identification, avian
Creatine kinase (CK) - photometric
Creatinine - photometric
Cross match, canine, feline
Cross match, equine
Cross match, foal - neonatal isoerythrolysis test for foals (jaundiced foal agglutination test)
Cross match, setup charge
Cryptorchid Panel
Cryptosporidium species - PCR
Cushing's profile 3 (ACTH, glucose, fT4d), equine
Cyanide, plant tissue - colorimetric
Cyclosporin A
Cytology, bone marrow
Cytology, fluids
Cytology, smears
Cytology, smears - resubmission
E. coli, APEC (avian pathogenic) - genotyping
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), companion/other - genotyping
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), food animal - genotyping
E. coli, VTEC, companion/other - PCR
E. coli, VTEC, food animal - PCR
EBL, enzootic bovine leukosis
Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus and Taenia spp. - PCR panel
Ehrlichia canis - PCR
Ehrlichia canis - ELISA
Ehrlichia canis - serology, ELISA, IFA
EIAV - CFIA cost recovery
EIAV - courier charge
Electrolyte profile (Na, K, Cl) - ISE
Elephant herpesvirus 1-7 - PCR
Encephalitozoon cuniculi - MFIA ECUN
Encephalitozoon cuniculi - PCR
Encephalitozoon cuniculi - sequence typing (prerequisite test: EcuPCR)
Environmental allergy test - AEPE
Enzootic bovine leukosis, EBL
Epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus - antibody ELISA
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease - AGID
EPM (S. neurona) - Western blot serum
EPM Sarcocystis neurona SAG2, 4/3 titer ratio panel (S&CSF)
EPM, S. neurona SAG2, 4/3 titer, serum, CSF - ELISA
EPM, S. neurona Western blot and SAG 2/4/3 ELISA panel
EPM, S. neurona, N. hughesi - IFAT panel
Equid herpesvirus 1 - IHC
Equid herpesvirus 1 - PCR
Equid herpesvirus 1/4 - VN
Equid herpesvirus 2 - VN
Equine adenovirus/Equid herpesvirus 1&4/Equid herpesvirus 2&5 PCR
Equine adult diarrhea PCR panel
Equine arteritis virus (EAV) - Virus Neutralization (VN)
Equine arteritis virus (EAV, EVA) - PCR
Equine Drug Screen (Level 2)
Equine encephalitis virus (EEEV)/West Nile virus (WNV) - PCR
Equine encephalitis virus, Eastern & Western - PRNT
Equine encephalitis virus, Eastern - IgM ELISA
Equine encephalitis virus, Eastern - IHC
Equine foal diarrhea PCR panel
Equine forensic investigative drug analysis - AGCO
Equine herpesvirus
Equine infectious anemia
Equine metabolic syndrome tests (includes insulin, leptin, glucose, ACTH, and T4)
Equine PPID (Cushing’s) profile - ACTH, glucose, insulin, equine
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
Equine respiratory PCR panel
Equine respiratory serology panel
Equine rhinitis A virus - VN
Equine rhinitis B virus - VN
Equine rhinovirus
Ergot alkaloids in feedstuffs (quantitative)
Ergot/fescue alkaloids
Erythropoietin bioassay
Escherichia coli
Estrone sulfate
Ethylene glycol - GC/MS
External accession fee - Cornell (AHDC)
External accession fee - Iowa State University
External accession fee - TVMDL (Texas)
External lab, sample handling fee
Factor assay
Fax/print request
Fecal egg count, companion/other - McMaster
Fecal egg count, companion/other - Wisconsin
Fecal egg count, food animal - McMaster
Fecal egg count, food animal - Wisconsin
Fecal examination (fat, muscle fibers, occult blood, starch)
Fecal flotation, companion/other
Fecal flotation, equine
Fecal flotation, food animal
Fecal flotation, wildlife
Fecal occult blood
Fecal oocyst count - modified McMaster
Feline calicivirus/Felid herpesvirus 1 - PCR
Feline coronavirus (FIP) - kELISA
Feline coronavirus - IHC
Feline factor XII
Feline heartworm antibody
Feline herpesvirus 1 - IHC
Feline infectious peritonitis
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) + Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) - ELISA
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) - IFA
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) - Real PCR
Feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI)
Feline parvovirus (panleukopenia) - IHC
Feline parvovirus (panleukopenia) - PCR
Feline parvovirus - HI
Fish Aeromonas salmonicida - PCR
Fish bacterial culture setup, sample pooling
Fish bacterial culture, farmed fish
Fish Flavobacterium branchiophilum - PCR (Bacterial Gill Disease)
Fish Flavobacterium columnare (Columnaris Disease) - PCR
Fish Flavobacterium psychrophilum - PCR (Bacterial cold water disease)
Fish Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) - PCR
Fish Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) - PCR
Fish Infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) - PCR
Fish Koi herpes virus (KHV) - PCR
Fish lactococcus culture, farmed fish
Fish Lactococcus garvieae and L. petauri - PCR
Fish Myxobolus cerebralis (whirling disease pathogen) - PCR
Fish processing charge (up to 4 fish)
Fish processing charge, non-food (up to 4 fish)
Fish processing charge, non-food (up to 4 fish), Kv
Fish Renibacterium salmoninarum - PCR (Bacterial Kidney Disease)
Fish viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) - PCR
Fish viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) - PCR - not positive certification for fish movement
Flow cytometric immunotyping - lymphoma and lymphoid leukemia
Fluorescent in situ hybridization
Foal IgG - CITE ELISA (failure of passive transfer)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Fowl adenovirus
Fowl adenovirus 11 virus neutralization test
Fowl adenovirus 8a virus neutralization test
Fowl adenovirus 8b virus neutralization test
Free T4
Fructosamine - photometric
Fungal culture - Mycology, ID
Fungal sequencing ID-CO1 mtDNA - co1seq gene
Fungal serology panel - Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Histoplasma, Coccidioides, Cryptococcus
Fungal serology, Aspergillus
Fungal serology, Blastomyces, serum
Fungal serology, Coccidioides immitis
Fungal serology, Cryptococcus
Haemobartonella canis
Haemobartonella felis
Haemophilus parasuis - PCR
Haemoplasma, Mycoplasma haemobos and Mycoplasma haemolamae - PCR
Haemoplasma, non-feline, non-canine - PCR
Hantavirus (Seoul) - PCR
Hantavirus (Seoul) - Serology
Haptoglobin - photometric
Hatchery, bacterial count/quantitative
Hatchery, environmental culture PCR
Hatchery, excess mortality - S. Pullorum / S. Gallinarum culture
Hatchery, reactor - Salmonella culture
Hatchery, reactor/excess mortality - sample collection
Hatchery, Salmonella grouping charge
Hatchery, Salmonella Pullorum export surveillance
Hatchery, Salmonella serotyping
Heartworm - Knott's test
Heartworm, canine/feline - antigen ELISA
Heinz bodies
Helicobacter spp - IHC, companion/other
Helicobacter spp - IHC, food animal
Hemoglobin (Hb)
Hemorrhagic enteritis virus, turkey - ELISA
Hepatic health profile
High-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) - photometric
Histology, decalcification
Histology, nail / hoof softening
Histology, special stain
Histology, special stain, silver methods
Histology, stat testing charge
Histology, trim tissue
Histopathology, on companion/other, 1-2 biopsies or tissues, equine abortion
Histopathology, on companion/other, 3-6 biopsies or tissues
Histopathology, on companion/other, 7 or more biopsies or tissues, in-house companion/other/equine PM
Histopathology, on food animal PM or mail-in
Histopathology, tumor margin evaluation
Hock trimming charge, per submission
Honey bee Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) - PCR
Honey bee Apocephalus borealis (zombie fly) - PCR detection
Honey bee Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) in honey bees - PCR
Honey bee Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) - PCR
Honey bee Crithidia mellificae - PCR detection
Honey bee Deformed wing virus (DWV) - PCR
Honey bee Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) - PCR
Honey bee Kashmir bee virus (KBV) - PCR
Honey bee Lotmaria passim - PCR detection
Honey bee Nosema apis - PCR
Honey bee Nosema ceranae - PCR
Honey bee Sacbrood virus (SBV) - PCR
Honey bee Spiroplasma apis - PCR detection
Honey bee Spiroplasma melliferum - PCR detection
Honey bee tracheal mite detection
Honey bee Varroa haplotyping - PCR
Honey bee virus PCR
Honey bee Vitellogenin biomarker levels - PCR
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP)
IAPD (Ontario Interactive Animal Pathogen Dashboards) membership (Tableau viewer license) charge.
IBDV (Infectious bursal disease virus) - genotyping, sequencing
IBRV (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, Bovine herpesvirus 1) - PCR
IBV (Infectious bronchitis virus) - ELISA
IBV - genotyping by S1 gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
IHC - various antigens
IHC, adenovirus, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, adenovirus, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, bovine abortion panel (BVDV, IBRV, Leptospira spp) (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, bovine coronavirus (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, bovine herpesvirus 1, IBRV (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, bovine rotavirus (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, BRSV (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, BVDV (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, canine coronavirus (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, canine distemper virus (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, canine parvovirus (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus / maedi-visa virus (CAEV / MVV)
IHC, cell markers
IHC, Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Equid herpesvirus 1 (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, external clients (no interpretation)
IHC, external clients (with interpretation)
IHC, feline coronavirus/FIP (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, feline herpesvirus 1 (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, feline parvovirus (panleukopenia) (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Helicobacter spp, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Helicobacter spp, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, influenza A virus, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, influenza A virus, food animal, (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Lawsonia, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Lawsonia, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Leptospira spp, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Leptospira spp, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Listeria, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Listeria, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Mycoplasma bovis (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Neospora, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Neospora, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, panel set-up charge (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, papillomavirus, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, papillomavirus, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, porcine circovirus 2 (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, porcine respiratory panel (PRRSV, PCV-2, Influenza A) (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, PRRSV (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, TGEV (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Toxoplasma, companion/other (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, Toxoplasma, food animal (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
IHC, West Nile virus, polyclonal antibody (AHL/OVC diagnostic cases only)
ILTV (Infectious laryngotracheitis virus, gallid herpesvirus) - sequencing
Immunoglobulins, quantitative: IgA, IgG, and IgM
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus
Infectious bronchitis virus/Infectious laryngotracheitis virus - PCR
Infectious bursal disease virus
Infectious bursal disease virus/Chicken anemia virus - PCR
Infectious laryngotracheitis virus
Influenza A virus - IHC
Influenza A virus - Multi S-screen antibody ELISA
Influenza A virus, companion/other - AGID
Influenza A virus, companion/other - IHC
Influenza A virus, food animal - AGID
Influenza A virus, H - gene sequencing
Influenza A virus, H1N1 - HI
Influenza A virus, H3N2 - HI
Influenza A virus, H3N8 - HI
Influenza A virus, H5 - PCR
Influenza A virus, H7 - PCR
Influenza A virus, H7N7 - HI
Influenza A virus, matrix - PCR
Influenza A virus, porcine - IHC
Influenza A virus/Equine rhinovirus A/Equine rhinovirus B - PCR
Influenza A, H1N1/H3N2 Typing - PCR
Inhibin assay
Insulin (RIA) and glucose (photometric)
Insulin - RIA
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
Iodine - ICP-MS
Iodine-serum/urine - ICP-MS
Ionophore feed additive screen (monensin, narasin, salinomycin) - HPLC
Iron & TIBC - photometric
Iron (Fe)
Iron, serum - photometric
ITS DNA sequencing - for fungal/parasite ID
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) - photometric
Lawsonia intracellularis - IFA, with titration
Lawsonia intracellularis - IPMA, pos/neg
Lawsonia intracellularis - IPMA, with titration
Lawsonia intracellularis, companion/other - PCR
Lawsonia intracellularis, food animal - PCR
Lawsonia, companion/other - IHC
Lawsonia, food animal - IHC
Lead (Pb)
Lead, blood, companion/other - ICP-MS
Lead, blood, food animal - ICP-MS
Lead, tissue/other - ICP-MS
Legal case charge
Leishmania - PCR
Leishmania - serology
Leptospira - canine - MAT
Leptospira spp - PCR
Leptospira spp, companion/other - IHC
Leptospira spp, food animal - IHC
Leptospira, companion/other animal - MAT
Leptospira, fetal fluid - MAT
Leptospira, food animal - MAT
Leukocyte count
Leukocyte differential count, mammalian, manual
Leukocyte differential, avian
Lipase - photometric
Lipid profile
Liquid gold allergy test
Liquid gold allergy test 40 + extended foods
Liquid gold allergy test 40 + primary foods
Listeria, companion/other - IHC
Listeria, food animal - IHC
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Lyme disease PCR
Lyme disease, canine - ELISA
M. hyopneumoniae - MFIA
Maedi-visna virus - antibody ELISA Hyphen. Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus - antibody ELISA Hyphen
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium - photometric
Malignancy profile - PTH, ionized calcium, PTHrP
Malignant catarrhal fever - PCR
Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) - serology (VN)
Manganese (Mn)
Mareks Disease (MDV) - PCR
Mast cell tumor (MCT) - prognostic panel
Masticatory muscle myositis, 2M antibodies
Mastitis, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion
Mastitis, bulk tank culture
Mastitis, environmental culture Enterobacterales
Mastitis, milk culture
Mastitis, somatic cell count
MDR1 - gene mutation (multidrug sensitivity)
Mercury - ICP-MS
Metabolic screen
Metaldehyde (acetaldehyde) - GC-MS
Micro total protein, CSF or urine - pyrogallol red, photometric
Mineral panel, heavy metal screen - ICP-MS
Mineral panel, other elements by request
Mineral panel, salt screen - ICP
Mineral panel, trace element, serum - ICP-MS
Mineral panel, trace element, tissue - ICP-MS
Minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC
Molybdenum (Mo)
Mouse inoculation test (MIT)
Muscle profile & peripheral nerve profile
Muscle profile (first muscle)
Myasthenia gravis
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis - PCR
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, bovine - culture
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, bovine, ovine - ELISA
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, camelids and cervids - AGID
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, caprine - ELISA
Mycoplasma bovis - IHC
Mycoplasma bovis - PCR
Mycoplasma bovis semen - PCR
Mycoplasma culture identification from bacteriology plate
Mycoplasma culture, bulk tank milk
Mycoplasma culture, cell line
Mycoplasma culture, companion/other
Mycoplasma culture, food animal; ureaplasma culture (mammalian species only)
Mycoplasma culture, individual milk
Mycoplasma culture, purification
Mycoplasma culture, semen
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) - HI
Mycoplasma gallisepticum - PCR
Mycoplasma gallisepticum/synoviae (MG/MS) combo, chicken - ELISA
Mycoplasma gallisepticum/synoviae (MG/MS) combo, turkey - ELISA
Mycoplasma haemobos
Mycoplasma haemocanis/haematoparvum - PCR
Mycoplasma haemofelis (Haemobartonella felis) screen
Mycoplasma haemofelis, M. haemominutum and M. turicensis - PCR
Mycoplasma haemolamae PCR (llamas and alpacas)
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - gene sequencing typing
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - ID Screen antibody ELISA
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - PCR
Mycoplasma hyorhinis - PCR
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae - PCR
Mycoplasma identification
Mycoplasma iowae - PCR
Mycoplasma isolate preparation for autogenous vaccine
Mycoplasma media, plate
Mycoplasma media, tube
Mycoplasma meleagridis (MM) - ELISA
Mycoplasma meleagridis (MM) - HI
Mycoplasma meleagridis - real-time PCR
Mycoplasma ovis
Mycoplasma ovis (sheep and goats)
Mycoplasma sample handling fee
Mycoplasma set-up charge
Mycoplasma speciation - FA
Mycoplasma species - PCR
Mycoplasma suis (pigs)
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) - HI
Mycoplasma synoviae - PCR
Mycoplasma synoviae - vlhA gene sequencing typing
Mycoplasma wenyonii (cattle)
Mycoplasma, avian - RAPD molecular typing
Mycotoxins, aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin, ochratoxin, T2/HT2 & zearalenone - ELISA
Mycotoxins, alfatoxin, total - ELISA
Mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON) - ELISA
Mycotoxins, fumonisin, Total - ELISA
Mycotoxins, ochratoxin - ELISA
Mycotoxins, T2/HT2 toxin, Total - ELISA
Mycotoxins, zearalenone - ELISA
Pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI), canine or feline
Papillomavirus, companion/other - IHC
Papillomavirus, food animal - IHC
Parainfluenza 3 virus
Parasite identification
Parasitology sample handling
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) & ionized calcium
Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP)
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (meningeal worm) PCR and sequencing identification
PARR (PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Pasteurella multocida toxin, swine - PCR
Pasteurella multocida – antibody ELISA - Turkey
PCV - Packed cell volume (manual method)
PCV-2 (porcine circovirus 2) - ELISA
PCV-2 (porcine circovirus 2) - IFA
PCV-2 - gene sequence analysis
PEDV (Porcine epidemic diarrhea) - sequencing
Pericardial/peritoneal/pleural fluids
Pesticide screen GC-MS & LC-MS/MS
PFA-200 (assessment of platelet function)
PFA-P2Y (assessment of platelet function)
pH, Toxicology - pH meter
Phenobarbital - photometric
Phenobarbital, K bromide
Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus - photometric
Piroplasmosis, equine, Babesia (Theileria) equi & Babesia caballi - cELISA
Plasma protein, total
PLI (quantitative), canine (Spec cPL)
PLI (quantitative), feline (Spec fPL)
Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), equine - muscle biopsy
Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), equine - Type 1 PSSM genetic test
Porcine circovirus 1,2,3 - PCR
Porcine circovirus 2
Porcine circovirus 2 - IHC
Porcine circovirus type 3 - Sequencing
Porcine coronavirus (PEDV, TGEV & PDCoV) - triplex PCR
Porcine coronavirus (TGEV/PRCV) - differentiating antibody ELISA
Porcine deltacoronavirus
Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus - PCR
Porcine parvovirus - HI
Porcine parvovirus - PCR
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)
Porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) - PCR
Porcine rotavirus
Porcine sapovirus - PCR
Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) - DNA testing
Porcine, bacteriology enteric panel 1
Postmortem, >1 h, charge/h
Postmortem, additional documentation/photos (legal/insurance)
Postmortem, companion/other
Postmortem, companion/other, pocket-sized
Postmortem, cremation private return
Postmortem, equine abortion, stillbirth, or <24 hr neonate
Postmortem, euthanasia charge
Postmortem, food- and fiber-producing, poultry and fur-bearing animal
Postmortem, out-of-hours surcharge, per 1/2 h
Postmortem, radiographs
Postmortem, radiographs, Kv
Postmortem, removal of brain
Potassium (K)
Potassium - ISE
Potassium bromide - manual
Potassium, urine - ISE
Potomac horse fever (PHF) - serology, IFA
Potomac horse fever - PCR
Pouches for Tritrichomonas fetus culture
Poxvirus - PCR
Pregnant mare serum gonadotropin
Presurgical profile
Profile, biochemical
Progesterone (P4) - chemiluminescence
Protein based bovine blood pregnancy test
Protein electrophoresis - agarose gel
Prothrombin time (PT)
Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time (PT/PTT)
PRRSV - IDEXX X3 antibody ELISA, oral fluids
PRRSV - IDEXX X3 antibody ELISA, serum
PRRSV, European strain - IgG indirect FA
PRRSV, European strain - IgM indirect FA
PRRSV, NorthAm strain - IgG/IgM indirect FA
PRRSV, NorthAm/Eur, PCR
PRRSV, ORF5 - gene sequencing - PCR, same-owner comparison
Pseudogymnoascus destructans - PCR
Psittacine beak & feather disease - DNA probe
PSSM, polysaccharide storage myopathy
Purolator shipping charge (for supplies)
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 - PCR
Rabies - export, FAVN
Rabies virus - titer, RFFIT ENDPT
Rabies virus - titer, RFFIT ENDPT, equine
Ranavirus - PCR
Renin levels
Reticulocyte count
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsii) - IFA
Rotavirus, group A - Sequencing
Rotavirus, group A, B, C – PCR
Rotavirus, group B - Sequencing
Rotavirus, group C - Sequencing
Rotavirus/coronavirus, bovine/equine - PCR. Includes Coronavirus - PCR, Rotavirus Group A and B - PCR
Rumen chloride - photometric
Rumensin (Monensin)
S. equi sbsp zooepidemicus SzM - PCR
Sacroid PCR
Salmonella Dublin - antibody ELISA
Salmonella Dublin - PCR
Salmonella Enteritidis, food animal - PCR
Salmonella Pullorum export surveillance
Salmonella Pullorum-typhoid - microplate agglutination test
Salmonella Pullorum-typhoid - rapid plate
Salmonella Typhimurium DT104, food animal - PCR
Salmonella typing - CTS
Sapelovirus, porcine (PTV) - PCR
Schmallenberg virus - PCR
Scrapie - ELISA
Scrapie resistance PrP (prion protein gene) genotyping in goats (codons 146, 211, and 222) - Sequencing
Scrapie resistance PrP (prion protein gene) genotyping, codons 136, 154, 171 - Sequencing or PCR
Screening tests, toxicology
SDMA (symmetric dimethylarginine - liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry)
Sebaceous adenitis testing
Selective media for Lactococcus species isolation in fish
Selenium (Se)
Selenium, blood - ICP-MS
Selenium, mineral mix/premix/feed - ICP-MS
Selenium, serum - ICP-MS
Selenium, tissue - ICP-MS
Senecavirus A - PCR
Separate/split sera
Serpentovirus (Reptile nidovirus) - PCR
Serum amyloid A (SAA) - photometric
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 - E - PCR
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 - R - PCR
Skin or skin scraping - digestion for parasites
Snake fungal disease
Sodium (Na)
Sodium - ISE
Sodium, potassium & chloride
Sodium, urine
Somatomedin C (insulin-like growth factor, IGF)
Specimen room - additional time
Specimen sampling, pathologist /15 min
Split tissue & fecal samples
Sporothrix schenckii - RT-PCR
Streptococcus equi ssp. equi - seM and szp gene strain sequencing typing
Streptococcus equi ssp. equi, eqbE gene-PCR
Streptococcus equi typing
Streptococcus equi, M protein - ELISA
Styrofoam blood tube mailer
Sucrose wet mount
Sulfur (S)
Swine cytomegalovirus - PCR
Swine deltacoronavirus
Swine dystrophin - genotyping
Swine influenza virus
Synovial fluid, cytology
Taenia species id by DNA sequencing
Taenia spp. - PCR
TEG - assessment of entire hemostasis process, kaolin activated
TEG - assessment of entire hemostasis process, plain
Teschovirus, porcine (PTV) - PCR
Testosterone baseline
Testosterone HCG response test
TGEV - serology
Thyroglobulin autoantibody (TgAA), canine - single test only
Thyroid profile 1 (TT4, fT4d)
Thyroid profile 2 (TT4, fT4d, cTSH)
Thyroid profile 3, canine OFA (fT4d, TgAA, cTSH)
Thyroid stimulating hormone, canine (cTSH) - chemiluminescence
Thyroid, free T4, by dialysis - RIA
Thyroid, T3
Thyroid, total T4 (TT4) - chemiluminescence
Thyroid, total T4 - RIA
Tick panel serology
Tissue search, parasites
TLI, canine - trypsin-like immunoreactivity
TLI, feline
Total protein - photometric
Total protein, profile - photometric
Total T4
Toxin GC-MS & LC-MS/MS
Toxoplasma gondii - ELISA
Toxoplasma gondii - PCR
Toxoplasma gondii IgG, IgM - ELISA
Toxoplasma, companion/other - IHC
Toxoplasma, food animal - IHC
Toxoplasmosis, feline - ELISA
Tracheal wash, cytology
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus
Transportation, Canada
Transportation, companion animal PM courier charge (>5 kg)
Transportation, Europe
Transportation, IDEXX
Transportation, OFA document delivery
Transportation, Ontario
Transportation, USA
Treponema cuniculi
Trichomonas gallinae - PCR
Triglycerides - photometric
Tritrichomonas fetus, bovine - culture
Tritrichomonas fetus, feline - culture
Tritrichomonas foetus PCR
Trypsin-like immunoreactivity
TS protein
Verotoxigenic E. coli
Veterinary Drug Screen - LC-MS/MS
Viral transport swabs
Virology, sample handling
Vitamin A and E, serum - HPLC
Vitamin A, feed
Vitamin A, serum - HPLC
Vitamin A, tissue
Vitamin D, 25 hydroxy
Vitamin D, feed
Vitamin D, toxicity profile (PTH, Ca, vit D)
Vitamin E, feed
Vitamin E, serum - HPLC
Vitamin E, tissue
Vomitoxin (DON, deoxynivalenol)
von Willebrand factor (vWF:Ag)